Uploading a Process

You can upload processes to move processes between Forms Servers.

Recommended: Use this feature when sharing processes between Forms Servers of the same version. Processes are automatically migrated when upgrading from one Forms version to another. There is no need to export processes from your old server and upload them to your new one.

To upload a process from Design

  1. Navigate to the Design section.
  2. Select Upload.
  3. Add the process you want to upload.

To upload a process from Manage

  1. Navigate to the Manage section.
  2. Click the down arrow next to New Process in the top right corner.
  3. Click Upload process.

Process Promotion Tool

The Process Promotion tool helps you migrate Forms processes from one environment onto another. The tool prompts you to update any information from the original server that does not automatically map to corresponding information on the new server. For example, a process designer can build a process in a test server, with database values, test workflows, etc. Once the designer ensures everything works as expected, the designer can export the process from the test server and then import the process onto the production server. The tool allows the designer to update those test values to match their production counterparts.

To migrate a process

  1. Export the process from the sandbox environment.
  2. Upload the process onto production to open the Process Promotion tool. If the process already exists on production, you can overwrite or create a new version of the process.
  3. When you overwrite the process, the Instances step lists the running instances on the production environment and unused variables on the sandbox environment. After you upload the process, Forms terminates the running instances. You may delete the unused variables at your own discretion.
  4. The Users step allows you to map users, groups, teams, and sender's email in the uploaded process to the equivalents on the production environment.
  5. The Data Sources step allows you to map the server information onto production.
  6. The Resources step allows you to map associated workflows, payment gateways, logos used on forms, and webhooks onto the equivalents on production.
  7. The Reports step allows you to import new and revised reports attached to the process. For any existing reports, you will be able to either keep the existing report as is, or overwrite the report. For any new reports, you will be able to either create them as a New report or Ignore the report and not import.
  8. Click Upload to complete the migration.

Related Topics

Note: Changes as of Forms 10.4.5: