Synchronizing Forms Accounts
Laserfiche Forms gets its list of users from the Laserfiche repository or Laserfiche Directory Server- depending on how you authenticate users- and gets information about domain users from the Active Directory or LDAP servers. Periodically, Forms synchronizes with the Laserfiche Server, Active Directory, LDAP server, or Laserfiche Directory Server to ensure its information is current.
Important: Laserfiche Forms uses the Laserfiche Forms Routing Service for user synchronization, and the system account the Laserfiche Forms Routing Service runs under must be assigned the "ReadMemberOf" right for User objects in order to get the groups information for the Windows users in the Active Directory domain to be able to synchronize the Windows users.
Configure the following fields to specify how often you want to synchronize users:
- Specify the time interval (in hours) between each auto-synchronization attempt (when Forms checks for new users) under Account synchronization interval. After initial synchronization, Forms will check for new users at this interval.
- After an account has been synchronized with Forms, the Forms Server checks for updates to that account based on the time interval (in hours) under Synchronized account expiration. After initial synchronization, Forms checks for updates to existing users at this interval.