Registering a Repository

To register a network repository to a Laserfiche Server:

  1. Open the Laserfiche Administration Console and log in as a System Manager.
  2. Expand the desired Laserfiche Server item.
  3. Select the Repositories node.
  4. From the Action menu, point to All Tasks, and choose Register Repository. The Laserfiche Repository Registration wizard will appear.
  5. Click Next. The Connect to a Laserfiche Server step will appear.
  6. Under Laserfiche Server, select the Laserfiche Server that will host the existing repository.
  7. Click Next. The Laserfiche Specific Settings step will appear.
  8. Under the Repository name option, specify the name that will be assigned to your Laserfiche repository and displayed to Laserfiche users.
  9. Under the Repository path option, specify the full path (e.g., C:\Repositories\Repository Name) to the location on the computer hosting the Laserfiche Server where repository-related files are stored, or click the browse button (...) to browse to the repository folder.
  10. Click Next. In the Microsoft SQL Server Specific Settings step, perform the following steps:
      • Under the Server option, select the name of the SQL Server on which the existing SQL database resides. This SQL database was created for the Laserfiche repository being attached.
      • Under Authentication, determine how the Laserfiche Server will authenticate to the SQL Server. The selected authentication configuration should match the authentication options selected for the SQL login account that was created for your SQL database.
      • Under the Database option, select the name of the SQL database containing information pertaining to the Laserfiche repository being attached.
  11. Click Next to proceed to the Search Engine Specific Settings step.
  12. In the Search Engine Specific Settings step, select Use Default Settings if your full-text search engine is on the same computer as your Laserfiche Server and you want to use the default port and path settings.  If it is not, select Use Customized Settings and perform the following steps:
    1. In the Search Engine Host option, type the name of the computer on which the Laserfiche Full-Text Indexing and Search Service is installed.
    2. In the Port option, type the port number you want to use. This must match the port configured for use by the Search Engine; see Server Settings for more information. The default is 5053.
    3. In the Catalog Path option, type the path to the location of the catalog on the Search Engine Host computer.
  13. Click Next to proceed to the Summary of Repository Registration step.
  14. Verify the settings that will be used to register your Laserfiche repository. If you are satisfied with the current configuration, click Finish to register your Laserfiche repository. If not, click Back until you reach the desired setting and make the appropriate modifications.

To register a network repository to a Laserfiche Server:

  1. Open the Laserfiche Web Administration Console and log in as a System Manager.
  2. Select the desired Laserfiche Server item.
  3. Click the down arrow next to the server name and select Register Repository. The Laserfiche Repository Registration wizard will appear.

    Note: You can also open the Laserfiche Repository Registration wizard by clicking Register Repository on the server properties page. ClosedClick to view screenshot.
  4. Under the Repository name option, specify the name that will be assigned to your Laserfiche repository and displayed to Laserfiche users.
  5. Under the Repository path option, specify the full path (e.g., C:\Repositories\Repository Name) to the location on the computer hosting the Laserfiche Server where repository-related files are stored.
  6. The Laserfiche Server will automatically be selected. To change servers, click Cancel and go back to step 3 and proceed with the appropriate server.
  7. Click Next to proceed to the Server and DBMS step will appear.
  8. Under DBMS, select the format that was used to create the database associated with the repository.
      1. Under the Server option, select the name of the SQL Server on which the existing SQL database resides. This SQL database was created for the Laserfiche repository being attached. If you are using Team edition with MSDE or SQL Express, the server name will be Server\LASERFICHE.
      2. Under Authentication, determine how the Laserfiche Server will authenticate to the SQL Server. The selected authentication configuration should match the authentication options selected for the SQL login account that was created for your SQL database.
      3. Under the Database option, select the name of the SQL database containing information pertaining to the Laserfiche repository being attached.
  9. Click Next to proceed to the Search Settings step.
  10. In the Search Settings step, select Use Default Settings if your full-text search engine is on the same computer as your Laserfiche Server and you want to use the default port and path settings.  If it is not, select Use Customized Settings and perform the following steps:
    1. In the Search Engine Host option, type the name of the computer on which the Laserfiche Full-Text Indexing and Search Service.
    2. In the Port option, type the port number you want to use.  The default is 5053.
    3. In the Catalog Path option, type the path where you want to store the new catalog on the Search Engine Host computer.
  11. Click Next to proceed to the Confirmation step and register your repository.