Repository Event Descriptions

The table below lists the event classes, the events within each class, and a description of what each event tracks for repositories. For information on how to specify which events should be logged, see Starter Edition or Determining Which Repository Events Are Logged.

Note: Audit Trail Reporting categorizes these events differently than the Laserfiche Server. This is to help users find the events more easily in Audit Trail Reporting.

Repository Events
Event Class Event Description
Account Assign Tag Tracks when a security tag is assigned to a user or group.
  Change Group Membership Tracks when a user's group membership changes. For example, the member could be removed from a group or added to a different group, and this action would be tracked.
  Change Password Tracks when a user's password is changed.
  Configure Windows Authentication Tracks when a Windows trustee (user or group) is added to or removed from the "allowed" or "denied" list.
  Create Trustee Tracks when a Laserfiche trustee (user or group) is created.
  Delete Trustee Tracks when a Laserfiche trustee (user or group) is deleted.
  Group Watermark Tracks when a group watermark is created or deleted.
  Link Windows and Laserfiche Accounts Tracks when a Laserfiche account is associated or disassociated with a Windows account.
  Modify Trustee Tracks when a trustee (Windows or Laserfiche) is renamed, disabled, had its privileges or feature rights changed, and/or has become read-only.
Annotation Create Annotation Tracks when an annotation is added to an image.
  Delete Annotation Tracks when an annotation is deleted from an image.
  Modify Annotation Tracks when any action is performed on an annotation (i.e., it moves around the page, its color changes, its text changes, etc), except when it is deleted.
  Move Annotation to New Page Tracks when an annotation is moved from one page of a document to another page of the same document or to another page of a different document.
Auditing Change Audit Configuration Tracks when an audit configuration is changed.
  Purge Audit Logs Tracks when a rollover log is deleted from the Auditing node.
Custom Audit Event Custom Event Tracks actions that are outside the scope of the Laserfiche Server. For more information, see Custom Events.
Electronic Data Delete Alternate E-File Tracks when an alternate electronic file is deleted from an entry.
  Delete E-File Tracks when an electronic file associated with an entry is deleted and the recycle bin is disabled.
  Purge E-File Tracks when an electronic file is purged from the recycle bin.
  Recycle E-File Tracks when an electronic file associated with an entry is sent to the recycle bin.
  Restore E-File Tracks when an electronic file is restored from the recycle bin.
  Write Alternate E-File Tracks when an alternate electronic file is altered.
  Write E-File Contents Tracks when an electronic document is opened, edited outside of Laserfiche, and saved as the same document, a new version of a document, or a new document.
Entry Add Document to Link Group Tracks when a document is added to a group of linked documents. Also tracks when link group comments are modified.
  Assign Template Tracks when a template is assigned to a document or folder.
  Change Entry Owner Tracks when the owner of a document or folder is changed.
  Change Entry Permissions Tracks when entry access rights are modified.
  Change Folder Filter Tracks when changes to a folder filter expression are made.
  Check In Entry

Tracks when a document has been unlocked due to it being checked in.

  Check Out Entry

Tracks when a document has been locked due to it being checked out.

  Copy Entry Tracks when a document, folder, or shortcut is copied.
  Copy Version Tracks when a document is created from a copy of a specific version of another document.
  Create Document Tracks when a document is created.
  Create Folder Tracks when a document is created.
  Create Shortcut Tracks when a shortcut is created.
  Create Version Tracks when a new version of a document is created.
  Delete Entry Tracks when a document, folder, or shortcut is deleted. This event is tracked whether or not the recycle bin is enabled or disabled.
  Delete Version Tracks when a version of a document is deleted.
  Edit Version Controlled Document Tracks when a version of a document is modified.
  Enable Version Tracking Tracks when a document is placed under version control.
  Link Entry Tracks when a link is added to or removed from a document. It also tracks when a link relationship is changed.
  Migrate Entry Tracks when a document is migrated to a different volume.
  Modify Entry Classification Tracks when the classification level for an entry is set.
  Modify Version Comment Tracks when version comment text is modified.
  Modify Version Label Tracks when version label text is modified.
  Move Entry Tracks when a document, folder, or shortcut is moved. It also tracks when an entry is renamed.
  Purge Entry Tracks when an entry is purged from the recycle bin.
  Recycle Entry Tracks when an entry is sent to the recycle bin.
  Remove Digital Signature Tracks when a digital signature is removed from a document.
  Remove Document from Link Group Tracks when a document is removed from a link group.
  Restore Entry Tracks when an entry is restored from the recycle bin.
  Revert To Version Tracks when a document has been reverted to one of its previous versions.
  Sign Document Tracks when a digital signature is added to a document.
  Start Business Process Tracks when a business process is started from the Laserfiche Windows client, the web client, or Workflow.
  Tag Entry Tracks when a tag is added to or removed from a document or folder.
  Write Field Value Tracks when a value is added to, modified, or removed from a field assigned to a document or folder.
Export and Print Export Briefcase Tracks when a briefcase is exported from Laserfiche.
  Export Document Tracks when a document is exported from Laserfiche.
  Print Document Tracks when a document is printed from Laserfiche.
  Share Document Tracks when a document is shared from Laserfiche.
LDAP Event Modify LDAP Profile Tracks when an LDAP Profile is modified.
  Register LDAP Profile Tracks when an LDAP Profile is registered.
  Unregister LDAP Profile Tracks when an LDAP Profile is unregistered.
Metadata Add Template Field Tracks when a field is added to a template.
  Change Field Rights Tracks when field security is modified.
  Change Template Rights Tracks when template security is modified.
  Create Business Process Tracks when a business process is published to the Workflow Server.
  Create Business Process Details After a business process starts, it collects information about what it's doing as details. This event tracks when the business process starts logging these details.
  Create Field Tracks when a field is created.
  Create Template Tracks when a template is created.
  Delete Business Process Tracks when a business process is deleted.
  Delete Business Process Details Tracks with business process details are deleted.
  Delete Field Tracks when a field is deleted.
  Delete Template Tracks when a template is deleted.
  Modify Business Process Tracks when any change has been made to a business process. You must republish the business process after making the change for the modification to be tracked.
  Modify Field Tracks when an existing field definition is modified. For example, changing the Author field to be a required field will be tracked.
  Modify Template Tracks when a template name is changed.
  Move Template Field Tracks when a field is reordered within a template.
  Remove Template Field Tracks when a field is removed from a template.
Page Copy Pages Tracks when a page of a document is copied and pasted into the same or a new document.
  Create Page Tracks when a new page is created inside a document using Laserfiche Scanning or Laserfiche Snapshot.
  Delete Pages Tracks when a page is deleted and the recycle bin is disabled.
  Modify Page Tracks when a page (via a document) is imported into a repository and when the text of a page is edited.
  Move Pages Tracks when pages are moved within a document or to another document.
  Purge Pages Tracks when a page is purged from the recycle bin.
  Recycle Pages Tracks when a page is sent to the recycle bin.
  Restore Pages Tracks when a page is restored from the recycle bin.
Privileged Operations Add Certificate Tracks when a signing certificate is added to the Laserfiche Digital Signature Certificate Store.
  Create Classification Level Tracks when a classification level definition is created.
  Create Link Type Tracks when a document relationship is created in a repository.
  Create Tag Tracks when an informational or security tag is created.
  Delete Certificate Tracks when a signing certificate is removed from the Laserfiche Digital Signature Certificate Store.
  Delete Classification Level Tracks when a classification level definition is deleted .
  Delete Link Type

Tracks when a document relationship is deleted.

  Delete Tag Tracks when an informational or security tag is deleted.
  Modify Classification Level Tracks when the classification level definition is modified.
  Modify Link Type Tracks when a document relationship is modified. For example, fixing an incorrect spelling would be tracked.
  Modify Tag Tracks when a tag is modified. For example, adding a tag description or changing a tag from informational to security would be tracked.
  Set Repository Options Tracks when any setting is changed under the Repository Options node. Also tracks when the recycle bin is enabled or disabled.
Records Management Actions* Add Hold Tracks when a hold is added to a record folder, a record series, a Laserfiche folder, an electronic document, and/or a Laserfiche imaged document.
  Close Record Folder* Tracks when a record folder is closed. Close is a unique records management action and does not refer to the standard opening/closing of a regular Laserfiche folder.
  Confirm Final Disposition* Tracks when a user confirms the accession or destruction of a record folder.
  Confirm Transfer* Tracks when a user confirms the transfer of a record folder to an interim location.
  Cutoff Record Folder* Tracks when a record folder is cutoff.
  Remove Hold Tracks when a hold is removed from a record folder, a Laserfiche folder, an electronic document, and/or a Laserfiche imaged document.
  Reopen Record Folder* Tracks when a record folder is reopened. Reopen is a unique records management action and does not refer to the standard opening/closing of a regular Laserfiche folder.
  Review Vital Record* Tracks when a user marks a vital record as reviewed.
  Set Alternate Disposition Trigger Event* Tracks when a record folder's alternate retention schedule event date is set.
  Set Event Date* Tracks when a record folder's event date is set.
  Uncutoff Record Folder* Tracks when a record folder is uncutoff.
  Unset Alternate Disposition Trigger Event* Tracks when a record folder's alternate retention schedule event date is unset.
  Unset Event Date* Tracks when a record folder's event date is unset.
Records Management File Plan* Add Cutoff Instruction Event* Tracks when an event is added to a cutoff instruction.
  Add/Edit Calendar Cycle* Tracks when a calendar cycle is created or edited.
  Add/Edit Cutoff Instruction* Tracks when a cutoff instruction is created, edited, or deleted.
  Add/Edit Event* Tracks when an event is created or edited in the Laserfiche Administration Console. The event can be associated with a cutoff instruction or retention schedule.
  Add/Edit Location* Tracks when a location is created or edited.
  Add/Edit Retention Schedule* Tracks when a retention schedule is created or edited.
  Add/Edit Transfer* Tracks when an interim transfer is created or edited.
  Create Record Series* Tracks when a record series is created or edited.
  Delete Calendar Cycle* Tracks when a cycle is deleted.
  Delete Cutoff Instruction* Tracks when a cutoff instruction is deleted.
  Delete Event* Tracks when an event, associated with either a cutoff instruction or retention schedule, is deleted.
  Delete Location* Tracks when a location is deleted.
  Delete Retention Schedule* Tracks when a retention schedule is deleted.
  Delete Transfer* Tracks when an interim transfer associated with a retention schedule is deleted.
  Edit Record Series/Folder* Tracks when a record series or folder is created or edited.
  Remove Cutoff Instruction Event* Tracks when an event is removed from a cutoff instruction.
Search Search Tracks when a search of any type is performed.
Session Log Off Tracks when a user logs out of a Laserfiche repository.
  Log On Tracks when a user logs into a Laserfiche repository.
  Terminate Session Tracks when a user's session is terminated (disconnected) by an administrator.
View Content Browse Entry

Tracks when an entry is displayed in the repository. This event is called Entry Listing in the Administration Console

Note: This audit event will log every time a user browses to a document, even if they do not open it. For instance, if a user opens a folder, this event will log every document that they can see in that folder, and if they perform a search, it will log every event in that search, even if they do not open any of the documents. Since this will result in a huge volume of logged events and very large audit logs, we recommend only enabling this option if your compliance policy requires you to do so.

  View Document Tracks when a document is opened and viewed in a repository.
  View Folder Contents Tracks when the contents of a folder are displayed in the repository.
Volume Operations Attach Volume Tracks when a volume is attached to a Laserfiche Server.
  Change Volume Rights Tracks when volume security is modified.
  Create Volume Tracks when a new volume is created.
  Delete Volume Tracks when a volume is deleted.
  Export Volume Tracks when a volume is detached or exported from a Laserfiche Server.
  Modify Volume Tracks
  • When the name of a volume is modified
  • When files on a volume are marked as permanent
  • When a volume is disabled
  • When a volume is marked as read-only
  • When a volume's fixed or removable path is modified
  • When a volume's data location is modified
  • When the volume's size is modified
  Rollover Volume Tracks the automatic creation of a rollover volume (e.g., when an event inside the repository triggers the Laserfiche Server to create a new rollover volume).



Note:  The audit events indicated by an asterisk (*) are only available for Laserfiche installations on which Records Management Edition has been enabled.

Note:  Some additional events may appear in Audit Trail Reporting. These are related to back-end features and may be safely ignored. These events are Modify E-mail Profile, Register E-mail Profile, and Unregister E-mail Profile.