Search Catalogs

Audit Trail uses search catalog files to generate audit reports. Users can change the default settings of the search catalog files, including default catalog folder, catalog locations of all configured repositories and forms, and date range.

Note: The Laserfiche Full Text Search (LFFTS) catalog is roughly 15 times the size of the original uncompressed Audit Trail log files, requiring more disk space.

After adding a new repository or registering a new Forms server, a default search catalog will be created for each with a 30-day date range.

To change the default catalog folder:

  1. Access the configuration page at the following Web address: http://ServerName/AuditTrailConfig/, where ServerName is the name of the computer on which you installed Audit Trail Reporting.
  2. Click the Search Catalogs tab.
  3. Next to Search Engine, click the Edit button .
  4. In the Edit Default Search Engine Settings dialog box, enter the new folder location next to Catalog Folder.

Once the folder is changed, a new catalog will need to be created for the repository and/or forms in order to use the new folder location. The existing catalog will be generated under the old catalog folder. For example, the original default catalog folder uses repository A. Repository B is created and a new catalog folder is defined. If actions are taken in repository A, the catalog files will be generated in the original location and actions taken in repository B will be generated in the new catalog location.

Add or Remove a Catalog for Repositories or Forms

Users can add or remove a catalog to or from a repository or Forms server. For example, if the size of the physical location that stores the catalog files has reached its limit, you can remove the catalog from the repository and create a new one, specifying the new catalog location. Audit records will now be generated in the new location.

To remove a catalog from a repository or Forms server:

  1. Click the Delete button next to the catalog you want to remove.
  2. Click Delete to confirm the catalog deletion. Once deleted you may not be able to search audit events in the date range configured for the deleted catalog.

To add a catalog to a repository or Forms server:

  1. Click the Add button next to the Catalogs for Repositories or Catalogs for Forms.
  2. Select the Data Source (repository or Forms server) from the Data Source drop-down menu. If the drop-down menu is empty, ensure a repository or Forms server has been configured under the Repositories or Forms tabs on the Audit Trail Configuration page.
  3. Enter the Search Engine Host and Search Engine Port.
  4. Select if you want to use TLS to secure the connection
  5. Define the date range for the data you want to run a report on. Select Range to define a specific date range (i.e., 1/1/2021 to 3/1/2021) to run reports on. Or, select Age to define a certain number of days previous from today to run reports on. For example, run reports on the past 15 days.
  6. Click Save.

Adding a new catalog location will automatically start indexing, and users will not be able to generate a report until the indexing is complete. After removing a catalog, audit events will not be displayed in the report for that repository or Forms server.

If users add new folders to the repository, a new search catalog will need to be created with the desired date range before running reports on the new content.

Configuring Date Range

You can increase or decrease the size of your catalog files depending on your needs. If your catalog files are growing too large, you can decrease the data age to remove some audit data and reduce the catalog size. You can also increase the size of your catalogs. By default, the date range of the catalog files is 30 days.

To modify the date range of your catalog files:

  1. Click the Delete button next to the catalog containing the undesired date range.
  2. Click the Add button to add a new catalog with the desired date range.

For more information, see the Laserfiche 11 Audit Trail 11 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)