Audit Trail Editions for Repository Content

In order to allow users to choose exactly the level of audit reporting they need, Laserfiche offers three editions of Audit Trail: Starter, Standard, and Advanced. Each edition includes all features of the editions below it, as well as adding new functionality to help you customize your auditing procedure to meet your auditing needs.

The table below lists the event classes, the events within each class, and whether those events can be audited for each of the three editions of Audit Trail. The ¨ symbol indicates that the event will only be audited when it is successfully performed. The l symbol indicates that the event can be audited when it is attempted, regardless of whether the attempt was successful.

Repository Events
Event Class Event Starter Edition Standard Edition Advanced Edition
Account Assign Tag ¨ l l
  Change Group Membership   l l
  Change Password     l
  Configure Windows Authentication   l l
  Create Trustee     l
  Delete Trustee     l
  Group Watermark     l
  Link Windows and Laserfiche Accounts   l l
  Modify Trustee     l
Annotation Create Annotation ¨ l l
  Delete Annotation ¨ l l
  Modify Annotation ¨ l l
  Move Annotation to New Page ¨ l l
Auditing Change Audit Configuration ¨ l l
  Purge Audit Logs ¨ l l
Custom Audit Event Custom Event     l
Electronic Data Delete Alternate E-File ¨ l l
  Delete E-File ¨ l l
  Purge E-File ¨ l l
  Recycle E-File ¨ l l
  Restore E-File ¨ l l
  Write Alternate E-File ¨ l l
  Write E-File Contents ¨ l l
Entry Add Document to Link Group ¨ l l
  Assign Template ¨ l l
  Change Entry Owner     l
  Change Entry Permissions     l
  Change Folder Filter     l
  Check In Entry ¨ l l
  Check Out Entry ¨ l l
  Copy Entry ¨ l l
  Copy Version ¨ l l
  Create Document ¨ l l
  Create Folder ¨ l l
  Create Shortcut ¨ l l
  Create Version ¨ l l
  Delete Entry ¨ l l
  Delete Version ¨ l l
  Edit Version Controlled Document ¨ l l
  Enable Version Tracking ¨ l l
  Link Entry ¨ l l
  Migrate Entry ¨ l l
  Modify Entry Classification     l
  Modify Version Comment ¨ l l
  Modify Version Label ¨ l l
  Move Entry ¨ l l
  Purge Entry ¨ l l
  Recycle Entry ¨ l l
  Remove Digital Signature ¨ l l
  Remove Document from Link Group ¨ l l
  Restore Entry ¨ l l
  Revert To Version ¨ l l
  Sign Document ¨ l l
  Start Business Process ¨ l l
  Tag Entry ¨ l l
  Write Field Value ¨ l l
Export and Print Export Briefcase ¨ l l
  Export Document ¨ l l
  Print Document ¨ l l
LDAP Event Modify LDAP Profile   l l
  Register LDAP Profile   l l
  Unregister LDAP Profile   l l
Metadata Add Template Field ¨ l l
  Change Field Rights     l
  Change Template Rights     l
  Create Business Process ¨ l l
  Create Business Process Details ¨ l l
  Create Field ¨ l l
  Create Template ¨ l l
  Delete Field ¨ l l
  Delete Template ¨ l l
  Modify Business Process ¨ l l
  Modify Field ¨ l l
  Modify Template ¨ l l
  Move Template Field ¨ l l
  Remove Template Field ¨ l l
Page Copy Pages ¨ l l
  Create Page ¨ l l
  Delete Pages ¨ l l
  Modify Page ¨ l l
  Move Pages ¨ l l
  Purge Pages ¨ l l
  Recycle Pages ¨ l l
  Restore Pages ¨ l l
Privileged Operations Add Certificate ¨ l l
  Create Classification Level     l
  Create Link Type ¨ l l
  Create Tag ¨ l l
  Delete Certificate ¨ l l
  Delete Classification Level     l
  Delete Link Type ¨ l l
  Delete Tag ¨ l l
  Modify Classification Level     l
  Modify Link Type ¨ l l
  Modify Tag ¨ l l
  Set Repository Options     l
Records Management Actions* Close Record Folder* ¨ l l
  Confirm Final Disposition* ¨ l l
  Confirm Transfer* ¨ l l
  Cutoff Record Folder* ¨ l l
  Hold* ¨ l l
  Reopen Record Folder* ¨ l l
  Review Vital Record* ¨ l l
  Set Alternate Disposition Trigger Event* ¨ l l
  Set Event Date* ¨ l l
  Uncutoff Record Folder* ¨ l l
  Remove Hold* ¨ l l
  Unset Alternate Disposition Trigger Event* ¨ l l
  Unset Event Date* ¨ l l
Records Management File Plan* Add Cutoff Instruction Event* ¨ l l
  Add/Edit Calendar Cycle* ¨ l l
  Add/Edit Cutoff Instruction* ¨ l l
  Add/Edit Event* ¨ l l
  Add/Edit Location* ¨ l l
  Add/Edit Retention Schedule* ¨ l l
  Add/Edit Transfer* ¨ l l
  Create Records Series* ¨ l l
  Delete Calendar Cycle* ¨ l l
  Delete Cutoff Instruction* ¨ l l
  Delete Event* ¨ l l
  Delete Location* ¨ l l
  Delete Retention Schedule* ¨ l l
  Delete Transfer* ¨ l l
  Edit Record Series/Folder* ¨ l l
  Remove Cutoff Instruction Event* ¨ l l
Search Search     l
Session Log Off ¨ l l
  Log On ¨ l l
  Terminate Session ¨ l l
View Content Browse Entry
¨ l l
  View Document ¨ l l
  View Folder Contents ¨ l l
Volume Operations Attach Volume ¨ l l
  Change Volume Rights     l
  Create Volume ¨ l l
  Delete Volume ¨ l l
  Export Volume ¨ l l
  Modify Volume ¨ l l
  Rollover Volume ¨ l l

Note:  The audit events indicated by an asterisk (*) are only available for Laserfiche installations on which Records Management Edition has been enabled.