Backing Up Your Laserfiche Server Named User Database

If you are using Laserfiche Rio or Laserfiche Avante, your Laserfiche Server installation includes a database file that contains your named user license information for that server. This file contains repository named user information for Laserfiche Rio Servers, and all named user and device information for Laserfiche Avante Servers. It is a good idea to back up this file, as otherwise you will need to re-allocate your licenses after restoring from backup. (This file does not exist for Laserfiche Team and Laserfiche United installations.)

The Laserfiche Server Named User Database is stored in a single file, lfsnu.db, in the Laserfiche Server installation directory (by default, C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Server). You do not need to stop the Laserfiche Server before copying this file to back it up.