Concurrent Licensed Connections

A connection to the Laserfiche Server is established whenever a client application connects to a repository. The Laserfiche Server accepts two types of connections: full and retrieval. If you are using a Laserfiche Team or United Server, your license specifies how many connections of each type can be used concurrently.

The number of full connections and retrieval connections in the license file corresponds to the number of concurrent full or retrieval connections that can be made to the repository at one time. Once the maximum has been reached, no additional users will be able to log in.

Concurrent licenses may be either full or retrieval, and full and retrieval licenses each have their own pool of available connections to draw from. See Full and Retrieval Connections for more information.

Note that, in some circumstances, a single license can be shared for multiple connections. For example, if a single user opens more than one application (such as both the Windows client and Scanning) on the same computer, a single license could be shared for both connections. See License Sharing for more information.

Laserfiche Rio and Laserfiche Avante use named users instead of concurrent users. See the Named Users, Named Accounts and Named Devices topic for more information.

Note: Some users and connection do not require a license. The FTSUSER$ connection (used by the Laserfiche Full-Text Search service) and the WFUSER$ connection (used by Workflow) will never require or use a license. In addition, the user used by Workflow 8.0.1 or later and the user used by Import Agent 8.1 or later to connect to the Laserfiche Server do not require licenses. Audit Trail will also not use a license when retrieving audit data.

For more information on a specific licensing topic, return to the licensing home page.