Currently Connected Users

The All Sessions node displays a listing of all current connections to your Laserfiche Server. The listing provides various information about each connection, including the user who logged in, the computer the user logged in from, the type of connection (full featured or read-only), how long the user has been inactive, the Laserfiche application the user is running, the current action the user is performing, and more. A full list of available information is listed at the bottom of this page.

A single user may have more than one session. For instance, if the user has both the Windows client and the Administration Console open, they will be listed as having two sessions open.

Once a session has ended, the corresponding connection item is removed from the Session listing. If a session is currently active, a user with the Manage Connections privilege can terminate the session.

Important: The FTSUSER$ and WFUSER$ connections are used by the Full-Text Search Service and by Laserfiche Workflow, respectively. They do not decrease your licensed connection count and should not be disconnected. Note that you may see multiple instances of FTSUSER$ connected at the same time; this is normal.

To view a list of users connected to a Laserfiche Server 

To disconnect a connected user

  1. Start the Laserfiche Administration Console.
  2. In the console tree, select the desired Laserfiche Server item.
  3. Select the desired repository.
  4. Expand the Activity node and select the Sessions node.
  5. Select the user you want to disconnect.
  6. Either right-click and select Disconnect User, or open the Action menu and select Disconnect User.
  7. Click Yes to confirm that you want to disconnect the user.

To view a list of users connected to a Laserfiche Server 

To disconnect a connected user 

  1. Start the Laserfiche Web Administration Console.
  2. Select the desired Laserfiche Server item.
  3. Select the desired repository.
  4. Under Current Activities, select Sessions. ClosedClick to view screenshot.
  5. Select the user you want to disconnect.
  6. Click the Disconnect button. ClosedClick to view screenshot.
  7. Click Yes to confirm that you want to disconnect the user.
Sessions Column Column Description
Name The username for the user logged in for that session. Windows and LDAP accounts will include their domain or directory information.
Computer The machine name for the computer the session is logged in from.
Inactive Duration The length of time the session has been idle.
Action The current action of the user, if available.  (Note that only certain high-server-load actions will be reported.)
Session Type Whether the session is a full or retrieval session.
License Whether the session is a full or retrieval session.
Application The application the session is using to connect to the repository.
Login Time The time the session was established.
Connection ID The connection ID used by the Server to identify this session.
Shareable Connection Whether the connection is a shareable connection.  (This column is not relevant for Laserfiche Rio or Laserfiche Avante installations.)


Whether the user connecting via that session used a password to authenticate or logged in using Windows account single sign-in. If the user logged in by typing a password, the column will display "Password."  If the user logged in using Windows credentials (whether as a Windows Account or using a domain account linked to a Laserfiche user), the Windows domain and user name will be displayed.

Note: Although LDAP accounts log in using a domain account, users log in by providing an LDAP domain and user name, and a password. Therefore, LDAP accounts will display "Password" in this column.

Using SSL Whether the session was secured using SSL.

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