Volume File Naming Convention

The file name determines where an image, text, or electronic file will be stored under the fixed or removable path of the corresponding volume. For example, an image with a file name 12345678.TIF would be stored in the following path: 12\34\56\12345678.TIF. The first two characters of the file name are used as the first folder name, the second two characters are used as the second folder name, and the last two characters are used for the third folder name. The file names are based on an internal Laserfiche ID. Text files are stored in the same manner.

Electronic files follow the same naming conventions, however they are stored in a separate branch of the volume's root folder. An electronic file with a file name 12345678.htm would be stored in the following path: e12\34\56\12345678.htm.

The file name for an image, text file, or an electronic file can be viewed from the Laserfiche Windows client by displaying the properties for the desired document and clicking More.

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