Search Thesaurus

The configurable search thesaurus allows administrators to define associations between words. When one word is searched, both it and its synonyms will be returned. This association can go both ways (so that, for example, searching for “LF” returns documents with the word “Laserfiche” and vice versa), or only one way (so that searching for “Laserfiche” returns documents with the word “Workflow,” but not vice versa). In the Laserfiche Web Administration Console, administrators can set up custom thesaurus entries specific to their company or industry, and in addition, they can import and customize a predefined list of many common synonyms.

Administrators can configure the search thesaurus in the Laserfiche Web Administration Console to treat certain search terms as synonyms of one another. You can set up customized synonyms, or import a predefined search thesaurus.

For more information, see Viewing and Modifying the Search Thesaurus.