Error Logging

Errors in the Laserfiche Server are logged in the Windows application event log. To access the event log, open the Windows Control Panel, select Administrative Tools, and select Event Viewer. You can use the Event Viewer to read, sort, and export event logs.

In the Event Viewer, you can sort messages by source: Laserfiche Server errors will be listed with a source of LFS, and Laserfiche Full Text Search errors will be listed with a source of LfFTS80. Other Laserfiche applications will be listed under their own sources — for instance, the Laserfiche Audit Service and the Laserfiche Administration Console each have a source the same as their name. You can filter the Application event log to only include events from a particular source, and you can save the log (for instance, if you need to send it to technical support). To save a log file, select the log and choose Save Log File As... from the Action menu.

Laserfiche also logs briefcase and volume export and import errors in the LOGS folder of the repository directory. A pointer to this directory will also be logged in the Application event log when a briefcase or volume error occurs.

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