Migration Log Only Constraints

This section lists those constraints that will automatically prevent invalid data from being migrated. If the migration wizard encounters any such invalid data, the migration log file will contain an item indicating the constraint that was violated and which item caused the violation.


A shortcut in the Toc table links to a non-existent entry. The migration wizard will not migrate any such rows.


An electronic document in the Elec table links to a non-existent electronic file. The migration wizard will not migrate any such rows.


Folders and shortcuts cannot have pages associated with them. The migration wizard will not migrate any linked items in the Doc table.


A page described in the Doc table is referencing a non-existent document. The migration wizard will not migrate any such rows.


A page described in the Doc table has a negative StoreId. The migration wizard will not migrate any such rows.


The lookup table references a non-existent field. The migration wizard will not migrate any such rows.


An entry in the Loc table is referencing a non-existent page. The migration wizard will not migrate any such rows.


A row in the lft table is referencing a non-existent page. The migration wizard will not migrate any such rows. This constraint is only relevant if you configure the migration utility to migrate thumbnail data.


A group described in the GrpList table is referencing a non-existent group. The migration wizard will not migrate any such rows.


A user in the GrpList table is referencing a non-existent group. The migration wizard will not migrate any such rows.


An annotation in the Ann table has an invalid type. The migration wizard will not migrate any such rows.


A row in the DocLink table has a document linked to itself. The migration wizard will not migrate any such rows.


There is a duplicate row in the PasswordHistory table. The migration wizard will not migrate any such rows.


A retention schedule cannot reference itself as the alternate retention schedule. The migration wizard will drop the alternate retention schedule link.


A retention schedule in the RetSched table contains an alternate retention event, but does not have an alternate retention schedule. The migration wizard will drop the alternate retention event from the retention schedule.

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