Non-Indexed Searches

All searches other than those listed as indexed searches are non-indexed searches. For example, creation date, volume, and tag searches are non-indexed searches. In addition, fields that have not been indexed by an administrator are also non-indexed searches. Non-indexed searches are performed by the SQL search functionality of your database management system.

Because non-indexed searches do not use the Laserfiche Full-Text Indexing and Search Engine, they can be performed even when the search engine is offline, or when the search catalog is not present. They are also not able to take advantage of search engine features such as fuzzy search, root word search, context hits, and relevancy rankings.

Although document text search is always an indexed search, all other indexed searches may also be performed as non-indexed searches using Laserfiche Advanced Search Syntax. See Advanced Search in the Laserfiche User Guide for more information.

Note: In the Laserfiche client applications, entry name and extension information is indexed, but will be searched using SQL search by default; users can use advanced search syntax to search these fields via indexed searching as well.