Laserfiche QuickReindex

The Laserfiche QuickReindex Utility is a command-line utility installed with the Laserfiche Full-Text Indexing and Search Service that performs a reindex of the entire repository. The QuickReindex Utiliity is significantly faster than reindexing in the Laserfiche Web Administration Console. It can be run while the Search service is running.

Note: The Laserfiche Quick Reindex Utility must be installed on the same computer as the Laserfiche Server.

To use the Laserfiche QuickReindex Utility

  1. Open a command prompt in Windows and navigate to the Laserfiche Full-Text Indexing and Search Service installation folder. By default, this folder is C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\LFFTS
  2. Note: The Quick Reindex Utility can be installed independently of the Full-Text Indexing and Search Service.

  3. Type the following command:
  4. QRcmd -p SearchFolderPath -s DatabaseServer -r DatabaseName

    where SearchFolderPath is the path to the folder where you want to store the search index files, DatabaseServer is the instance name of your SQL database server, and DatabaseName is the name of the SQL database associated with your repository. Please also note the following:

    Note: If you choose to perform the quick reindex in place by specifying your current search catalog directory, you will need to stop your Laserfiche Search service before proceeding. If you choose another directory, full-text searches can continue to be run on your repository while the reindex process occurs.  However, in the latter case, when the reindex is done you will need to stop the Laserfiche Search service, swap the existing index files for the new index files, and then restart the service.

  5. When you press ENTER, the reindex will begin. QuickReindex will print status messages to your screen.


The following table contains syntax information.

Argument Description
-h Displays the help.
-p "SearchFolderPath"

The path to the search index folder for your Laserfiche repository. SearchFolderPath is the location of the search folder, and must be enclosed in quotes.

-s "DBMSComputer" The name of the computer hosting your DBMS. DBMSComputer is the machine name of the computer hosting your Microsoft SQL Server installation, and must be enclosed in quotes.
-r "SQLDatabase" The name of the database associated with your Laserfiche repository. SQLDatabase is the name of the database, and must be enclosed in quotes.
-repositoryLocation "RepositoryPath"

The starting path for the relative volumes. If this is the same as the parent folder of the search index folder as specified by the -p flag, you do not need to specify this value, but if the folder is elsewhere, you must use this flag to specify its location. RepositoryPath is the parent folder for the repository, from which relative volume paths will be calculated, and must be enclosed in quotes.

Example: If your repository path is "C:\MyRepository\", and you specified "C:\MyRepository\SEARCH" as the value for -p, you do not need to specify this flag. However, if your repository path is "C:\MyRepository\" and your search index folder path is "C:\SEARCH", you must specify this path.

-vn "VolumeName" The name of a volume. Use this flag if you are indexing a particular volume rather than the entire repository.
-v "VolumePath" The path to a volume. Use this flag if you are indexing a volume rather than the entire repository, and if the volume is not a relative volume in the repository location.
-n "RepositoryName" The name of the Laserfiche repository.


-u "UserName"

The name of the user account that will authenticate to the DBMS. Not specifying a value defaults to using Windows authentication.
-w "Password" The password for the user account specified in the -u argument.
-a Value Specifies whether to index the entire repository or only documents that were previously indexed.

Valid values: Y or N.

Y indexes the entire repository. N only indexes documents that were previously marked as indexed. The default value is Y.

-l "LogFilePath" Specifies a log file location.
-o Value Specifies whether to index only documents that contain text pages or all documents.

Valid values: Y or N.

Y only indexes documents that contain text pages. N indexes all documents. The default value is N.

-catalogLanguage LanguageCode Allows you to manually specify the catalog language to use during reindexing. Specify the two-letter language code for the language you want to use. Valid values are ar (Arabic), da (Danish), de (German), en (English), es (Spanish), fr (French), it (Italian), ja (Japanese), ko (Korean), nb (Norwegian), nl (Dutch), pt (Portuguese), sv (Swedish), th (Thai), tr (Turkish), vi (Vietnamese), zh (Chinese)
-noOpt Perform the indexing but do not perform index optimization. This will make reindexing faster, but may impact search performance.
-optOnly Only perform the optimization step; do not reindex the repository. This allows you to perform manual catalog optimization without reindexing, which can improve search performance if your catalog is fragmented.
-autoDetectLanguage Enables automatic language detection for Chinese, Koraen, and Japanese (CJK) documents.
-meta Value

Specifies whether you want to index only the body text of documents, only the indexed metadata of documents, or both.

Valid values: yes, no, or only

The value yes will index both body text and metadata, the value no will index only body text, and the value only will index only metadata. The default value is yes.

-c Check for and skip long base64 blocks when indexing. This flag is generally used for troubleshooting purposes only.
-merge Reindexes the repository and merges new data into the existing index files. Previous data in the index files remains searchable.

See the following example.

QRcmd -p "C:\MyLFRepository\SEARCH" -s "MyComputer" -r "MySQLDatabase" -a N -o Y

This example would index a repository whose SEARCH folder is at "C:\MyLFRepository\SEARCH", whose DBMS is hosted on MyComputer, and whose repository databse is named MySQLDatabase. It would index all documents (not just those previously indexed), and would only index documents with text pages and would skip those with no text pages.

QRcmd -p "C:\MyLFRepository\SEARCH" -s "MyComputer" -r "MySQLDatabase" -optOnly

This example would perform optimization, but not reindexing, on a repository whose SEARCH folder is at "C:\MyLFRepository\SEARCH", whose DBMS is hosted on MyComputer, and whose repository databse is named MySQLDatabase.

Using QRcmd.exe

The Quick Reindex utility bypasses the Laserfiche Server and directly accesses the DBMS as well as the local hard disk. The main benefit to using this utility is the elimination of the resource overhead from needing to retrieve document information through the Laserfiche Server. Performance for the Quick Reindex utility can be significantly faster than choosing to reindex from the Laserfiche Administration Console.

However, be aware that QRcmd.exe can only be run from the computer hosting the Laserfiche Server. You must install QRCmd.exe on the Laserfiche Server computer in order to use it.