Reindexing your Migrated Repository

Laserfiche Server 11 is not compatible with the existing search index files from Laserfiche Server 7. After you register your repository, you will need to create a search catalog and re-index your repository to generate new search index files. Since reindexing can be a lengthy process, it is not included in the migration so that you can resume using your repository as quickly as possible.

Once you have created a new search catalog, you can choose how to reindex it. Laserfiche 11 offers two options for repository indexing: indexing in the Administration Console, or the Laserfiche Quick Reindex Utility, a separate utility installed on the Laserfiche Server. Indexing in the Laserfiche Administration Console is slower, but does not require an additional installation, and makes indexed documents searchable as soon as they are available. Indexing with the Quick Reindex Utility is more efficient, but requires that an additional command-line utility be installed on the Server computer, and does not make indexed documents available for indexing until the end of the process.

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