Repository Properties

The Repository Properties page provides you with additional information about your repository.

Locking Status

The Locking Status section displays whether the repository is locked, and allows you to lock or unlock it using the Lock or Unlock button. See Locking a Repository.

Indexing Status

In the Indexing Status section, you can see the current status of the Laserfiche Full-Text Indexing and Search service. You can also pause indexing, clear the index queue, add an indexing task, or refresh to update the status. See Indexing for more information.


In the Statistics section, you can review information about your repository.

Disk Space Usage

You can calculate the disk space used by volumes currently attached to the Laserfiche repository.  Note that this will only calculate disk space used by fixed volumes, not removable volumes.

To calculate disk space usage, click Check disk space usage. If you have many volumes, this calculation make take a few moments.

In the Disk View tab, review the disks that host volumes on this repository, their locations, and the disk capacity and current disk usage for the volume disks. To view the volumes on a disk, click View volumes on this disk.

In the Volume View tab, review the volumes currently attached to this repository, and their size and path, as well as the disk capacity and available disk space on the hard disks that host them.