Reviewing, Restoring and Purging Deleted Items

When users with the Manage Entry Access privilege log in to the desktop or Web Administration Console, they can review the items currently in the recycle bin. The Global node lists all deleted items, and the Users node lists deleted items by the user who deleted them. Both nodes display the name, path, type, creation date, and deletion date for each deleted item. Users with the Manage Entry Access privilege can restore deleted documents. If the user also has the Purge Entries privilege, he or she can also purge any entry in the repository.

To restore a deleted item

  1. Start the Laserfiche Administration Console.
  2. In the console tree, expand the desired Laserfiche Server.
  3. Select the desired Laserfiche repository.
  4. Expand the Recycle Bin node.
  5. Either expand the Global node to see all deleted items, or expand the Users node and select an individual user name to see items deleted by that user.
  6. To restore individual items, select one or more entries, right-click them, and select Restore.... This will open the Restore Items dialog (for deleted entries or electronic files) or the Insert New Pages dialog (for deleted pages):
    • Deleted Entries: Choose either Restore entry to the original location or Restore entry to the specified directory. If you have selected more than one entry and choose Restore entry to the specified directory, all the entries will be restored to that directory; however, Restore entry to the original location will restore the entries to their correct original locations even if those locations differ. Click OK to restore the entry or entries.
    • Deleted Electronic Files: The Restore to the item's original location option will be pre-selected. You cannot restore electronic files to locations other than their originating document. Click OK to restore the entry or entries.
    • Deleted Pages: Select Before First Page to restore the page to the beginning of the document or After Last Page to restore to the end of the document. To specify a different location, select After page and choose the page to insert the deleted page after. To attempt to restore to the original location, select To the original page location. Click OK to restore the page or pages.
    • Note: If the document's pages were rearranged, or other pages were removed from the document, restoring the page to its original location may not be able to restore to exactly the same position it came from. If this is the case, you may want to verify the page's position after you restore it.

  7. To restore all entries, right-click the Global or User node and select Restore.

To purge a deleted item

Warning: Purging an item will permanently remove it from the repository. If you purge a folder, its contents will also be permanently removed. If you purge a document, all pages within that document -- including pages that were deleted separately -- will be purged. Purging cannot be undone, so be sure you want to permanently delete the item before you purge it from the recycle bin.

  1. Start the Laserfiche Administration Console.
  2. In the console tree, expand the desired Laserfiche Server.
  3. Select the desired Laserfiche repository.
  4. Expand the Recycle Bin node.
  5. Either expand the Global node to see all deleted items, or expand the Users node and select an individual user name to see items deleted by that user.
  6. To purge all items, right-click the Global or User node and select Purge Contents. To purge specific items, select one or more entries and right-click them and select Delete or press DELETE.
  7. Click Yes to confirm the purge of the items.

To restore a deleted item

  1. Start the Laserfiche Web Administration Console.
  2. Select the desired Laserfiche Server.
  3. Select the desired Laserfiche repository.
  4. Click Recycle Bin.

  5. To restore individual items, select one or more entries and click the Restore button.

    This will open the Restore Items dialog (for deleted entries or electronic files) or the Insert New Pages dialog (for deleted pages):
    • Deleted Entries: Choose either Restore entry to the original location or Restore entry to the specified directory. If you have selected more than one entry and choose Restore entry to the specified directory, all the entries will be restored to that directory; however, Restore entry to the original location will restore the entries to their correct original locations even if those locations differ. Click OK to restore the entry or entries.
    • Deleted Electronic Files: The Restore to the item's original location option will be pre-selected. You cannot restore electronic files to locations other than their originating document. Click OK to restore the entry or entries.
    • Deleted Pages: Select Before First Page to restore the page to the beginning of the document or After Last Page to restore to the end of the document. To specify a different location, select After page and choose the page to insert the deleted page after. To attempt to restore to the original location, select To the original page location. Click OK to restore the page or pages.
    • Note: If the document's pages were rearranged, or other pages were removed from the document, restoring the page to its original location may not be able to restore to exactly the same position it came from. If this is the case, you may want to verify the page's position after you restore it.

  6. To restore all entries, select Name and click the Restore button.

To purge a deleted item

Warning: Purging an item will permanently remove it from the repository. If you purge a folder, its contents will also be permanently removed. If you purge a document, all pages within that document -- including pages that were deleted separately -- will be purged. Purging cannot be undone, so be sure you want to permanently delete the item before you purge it from the recycle bin.

  1. Start the Laserfiche Web Administration Console.
  2. Select the desired Laserfiche Server.
  3. Select the desired Laserfiche repository.
  4. Click Recycle Bin.

  5. To purge all items, select Name and click the Delete button.. To purge specific items, select one or more entries click the Delete button.

  6. Click Yes to confirm the purge of the items.