Security Mapping

The following tables show how the Laserfiche Migration wizard maps Laserfiche 7 security to Laserfiche 11 security.


Laserfiche 7 Privilege Laserfiche 11 Privilege
Manage Trustees Manage Trustees
Manage Volumes Manage Volumes
Manage Metadata Manage Templates and Fields, Create Templates and Fields, Manage Stamps, Manage Tags, Manage Links
Manage Entry Access Manage Entry Access
Records Management Records Management
Manage Connections Manage Connections
View Audit Records Retrieve Audit Data
Manage Audit Settings Manage Audit Settings
Manage Repository Configuration Manage Repository Configuration
Configure Search/Index Configure Search/Index
Set Trustee Privileges Set Trustee Privileges
All Privileges Manage Purged Entries, Bypass Folder Filters, Manage Filter Expressions, View Activity Log

No Laserfiche 7 privileges map directly to the Laserfiche 11 privileges in the last row. However, a user that was granted all privileges in Laserfiche 7 will be granted all privileges in Laserfiche 11, except the Bypass Browse privilege.

Entry Access Rights

Laserfiche 7 Entry Access Right Laserfiche 11 Entry Access Right
Browse Browse
Read Read
Modify Contents Modify Contents, Delete Document Pages
Append Data Append Data
Delete Entry Delete Entry
Rename Rename
See Annotations See Annotations
Annotate Annotate
See Through Redactions See Through Redactions
Access Control Read Entry Security, Write Entry Security
Write Metadata Write Metadata
Create Documents Create Documents
Create Folders Create Folders
Set Last Review Date Set Last Review Date
Freeze Add/Remove Hold (if the user also has the Laserfiche 7 Unfreeze access right)
Unfreeze Add/Remove Hold (if the user also has the Laserfiche 7 Freeze access right)
Set Event Time Set Event Date
Close/Reopen Folder Close/Reopen Folder
  Change Entry Owner

Nothing in Laserfiche 7 maps directly to the Change Entry Owner entry access right in Laserfiche 11. However, a user that was granted all entry access rights in Laserfiche 7 will be granted all entry access rights in Laserfiche 11.

Field Access Rights

Laserfiche 7 Security Laserfiche 11 Field Access Right
Read field access right Read
Create field access right Create
Edit field access right Edit

Template Access Rights

Laserfiche 7 did not have template access rights.

Laserfiche 7 Security Laserfiche 11 Template Access Right
Read field access right on any field in a template Read

If a trustee has been explicitly denied Read on all the fields in a Laserfiche 7 template, they will be explicitly denied Read on the template itself in the migrated Laserfiche 11 database.

Volume Access Rights

Laserfiche 7 Security Laserfiche 11 Volume Access Right
Read volume access right Read
Append volume access right Add files
Modify volume access right Modify/Delete files
Create Document volume access right Create documents

Feature Rights

Laserfiche 7 Feature Right Laserfiche 11 Feature Right
Scan Scan
Import Import
Search Search
Print Print
Export Export
Edit Text Edit Text
Move Entry Move Entry
Process Process
Extended Properties Extended Properties
Delete Delete
Migrate Documents Migrate Documents

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