
A token is a placeholder for a value to be inserted. The name, symbol, and description for each type of token are given below. Token names are not case sensitive.

Name Symbol Description
Count %(count) The count token is a sequential number. By default, this token starts at 0. Each user can set the count token to a custom value from the Autoname Options dialog box. The value that will be used is the one set on the computer that initiates the action that causes this token to be replaced.
Date %(date) The date token is replaced by the system date on the computer that initiates the action that causes this token to be replaced. If this token is used with a date/time field, the time will always be 00:00 hours.
Date/Time %(datetime) The date/time token is replaced by the system date and time on the computer that initiates the action that causes this token to be replaced.
Global Count %(gcount) The global count token is a repository-wide counter
Entry Name %(name) The entry name token is replaced by the entry name for the current entry. This token cannot be used to name an entry, but it can be used in a field value.
Entry ID %(id) A token that represents the identification number assigned to a Laserfiche document. If you are creating new documents, this identification number will be generated when the Laserfiche document is created. If you are using an existing Laserfiche document, this token represents the identification number that has already been assigned to the document. You can check the identification number assigned to a Laserfiche document by viewing a document's properties and clicking More.
Field Data Inheritance %(parent)


The parent token allows a document or folder to inherit a field value from the folder in which it resides. If this token is used when a document or folder is being created, field data will be inherited from the folder in which the document or folder will be created. Once a document or folder inherits a field value, the parent token will be replaced with the value assigned to a field in the parent folder.

Note: Keep in mind that tokens are not placeholders. They are replaced by data. Therefore, the parent token cannot be used as a means of maintaining field data synchronization between a folder and its children.

Note: A child entry can only inherit a value from a parent multi-value field if the multi-value field only contains a single value. If the parent multi-value field contains more than one value, no field information will be inherited.

The %(parent) token inherits the value assigned to the field with the same name in the parent folder. For example, if you insert the %(parent) token in a field called "Name," it will be replaced by the value assigned to the "Name" field in the parent folder. If the parent folder has not been associated with a field called "Name," the token will not be replaced.

If you would like to inherit the value assigned to a field with a different name, use the %(parent:field token. The term Field should be replaced with the name of the desired field associated with the parent folder. If the parent folder has not been associated with a field with the specified name, the token will not be replaced.

Parent Folder Name %(parentname) The parent folder name token is replaced by the name of the entry's immediate parent folder.
Parent Folder ID %(parentid) The parent folder ID token is replaced by the entry ID of the entry's immediate parent folder.
Parent Folder UUID %(parentuuid) The parent folder UUID token is replaced by the universally unique ID number of the entry's immediate parent folder.
Time %(time) The time token is replaced by the system time on the computer that initiates the action that causes this token to be replaced.
User Name %(username) The user name token is replaced with the current user's Laserfiche account name. This may be a Laserfiche trustee name (such as Jsmith), a Windows domain name (such as Domain\Jsmith), or an LDAP account (such as John Smith@MyCompany, depending on how the user authenticates to the repository.
User SID %(usersid) The user SID token is replaced with the current user's Secure Identifier number.
Entry UUID %(uuid) The entry UUID token is replaced with the entry's universally unique identifier number.