Viewing Information About the Server

The following information about a Laserfiche Server can be viewed from the Laserfiche Administration Console.

Server Information Description Edition
Product Name The edition of the Laserfiche Server. All
Version The version of the Laserfiche Server. The version number will include both the major and minor version (such as "8.3.0", where "8" is the major version and "3.0" is the minor version) and the build number. All
License The licensing type of the installation. Possible values are Laserfiche Rio, Laserfiche Avante and Classic. All
Full Repository Named User Licenses In Use The number of full repository named users that are currently assigned to users for this Laserfiche Server. Laserfiche Rio
Full Repository Named User Licenses Allocated The number of full repository named users that have been allocated to this Laserfiche Server. This is equivalent to the number of full repository named users you assigned to the Laserfiche Server in the License Manager. Laserfiche Rio
Retrieval Repository Named User Licenses In Use The number of retrieval repository named users that are currently assigned to users for this Laserfiche Server. Retrieval licenses only allow users to perform read-only actions. Laserfiche Rio
Retrieval Repository Named User Licenses Allocated The number of retrieval repository named users that have been allocated to this Laserfiche Server. This is equivalent to the number of retrieval repository named users you assigned to the Laserfiche Server in the License Manager. Retrieval licenses only allow users to perform read-only actions. Laserfiche Rio
Named User and Device Licenses Assigned The number of named user licenses that are currently assigned to users for this Laserfiche Server. Laserfiche Avante
Total Named User Licenses The total number of named user licenses available on this Laserfiche Server. Laserfiche Avante
Full Featured Licenses in Use The total number of full concurrent licenses being used by the Laserfiche Server. Team and United
Total Full Featured Licenses The total number of full concurrent licenses licensed to the Laserfiche Server. Team and United
Retrieval Licenses in Use The total number of retrieval concurrent licenses being used by the Laserfiche Server. Retrieval licenses only allow users to perform read-only actions. Team and United
Total Retrieval Licenses The total number of retrieval concurrent licenses licensed to the Laserfiche Server. Retrieval licenses only allow users to perform read-only actions. Team and United
Public Portal Processors Assigned The number of public portal processors assigned to this Laserfiche Server. In order to use an unlimited Public Portal license with WebLink, this number must match or exceed the number of processors on your Laserfiche Server. Laserfiche Rio and Laserfiche Avante (Unlimited Public Portal licenses only)
Public Portal Connections in Use The number of users currently connected to your Laserfiche Server via WebLink using a Public Portal license. Laserfiche Rio and Laserfiche Avante
Total Public Portal Connections The total number of public portal connections that can be made at concurrently to your Laserfiche via WebLink. If your Public Portal license allows unlimited connections, this option will say "Unlimited." Laserfiche Rio and Laserfiche Avante
Company Name The name of the company to which the Laserfiche Server has been licensed. All
Serial Number The serial number assigned to this installation of the Laserfiche Server. All
LSAP Number The LSAP number associated with this Laserfiche Server. All
Features The features available on this Laserfiche Server. This will include items such as Digital Signatures, Audit Trail, Records Management Edition, E-mail Plug-in, and Snapshot. All
Maximum Repositories Allowed The total number of repositories that can be created on this Laserfiche Server. All

Note: If you are using a Laserfiche product line, such as Laserfiche Rio, that supports named users, you will also see a count of named users.

To view Laserfiche Server information

  1. Open the Laserfiche Administration Console.
  2. Expand the tree until you see the desired Laserfiche Server.
  3. Select the Laserfiche Server. The right-hand side of the window will display information on the selected Laserfiche Server.

To view Laserfiche Server information

  1. Open the Laserfiche Web Administration Console.
  2. Select the desired Laserfiche Server.
  3. The server properties page will appear and will display information on the selected Laserfiche Server.