What Is Not Migrated?

Not all data in your source repository is copied to the new database. Certain portions of the data may be redundant, while other portions are incompatible with the new version of Laserfiche. To speed up the migration process, the migration utility skips any such data.

Thumbnail Data

Laserfiche automatically regenerates thumbnail data as needed, which makes it unnecessary for the migration utility to copy the thumbnail data from your source database. By default, the migration utility will not migrate your existing thumbnail data. However, you can modify this default behavior and choose to also migrate thumbnail data.

Laserfiche 6 Audit Data

The differences in auditing architecture prevents any migrated data from having much use. These tables would not be usable after the migration, and thus are ignored by the migration utility.

Laserfiche 7 Archived Audit Data

Non-archived audit information is migrated. However, as archived audit data is no longer in the database, the migration wizard cannot migrate that data.

Workflow Data

Previous versions of Laserfiche Workflow are not compatible with Laserfiche Server 9.

For more information on a specific upgrade or migration topic, return to the upgrade and migration home page.