Windows Accounts

Laserfiche provides several security features that facilitate integration with Active Directory and thus allow users to log in to Laserfiche using their Windows account credentials. These features reduce the amount of maintenance required by Laserfiche security.

Why use Windows Accounts?

Using Windows accounts instead of manually creating Laserfiche users can make it easier both for users to access the repository and for administrators to manage the repository, especially for installations with many users. When using Windows accounts, users can use their Windows credentials to access the repository—no need to remember another username and password or to log in again.

Using Windows accounts is even more helpful for the administrator. It is only necessary to create a user once, in the domain; Windows users and groups can then be added directly to Laserfiche, which reduces the overhead necessary when creating new users. Administrators can also use Windows domain groups to add many users to Laserfiche at one time and configure security for users by those Windows groups. Since security, tags, auditing, and other settings can be applied directly to Windows accounts, it is not necessary to maintain Laserfiche trustees and link them to Windows trustees.

Adding a Windows Account

Laserfiche allows authorized users to authenticate using their Windows credentials. You can specify which Windows accounts will be allowed access to a Laserfiche repository in two ways: The Windows account can be added directly, or a Windows user can be associated with a Laserfiche user. This topic only deals with adding a Windows account directly.

The Windows groups and/or users that will be trusted or denied can be specified from the Windows Accounts item in the desktop Administration Console, or from the Users section of the web client management page.

See Creating a User for instructions on adding a Windows account. See Deleting a User for instructions on deleting a Windows account.

Note: If you add a Windows account, configure security directly on that Windows domain trustee, and link the Windows domain trustee to a Laserfiche trustee, the security settings for the Windows account will be ignored and the security settings for the Laserfiche trustee will take precedence. This does not affect Windows accounts that are not linked to a Laserfiche user.