Backing Up Audit Data

The Laserfiche Server stores audit information in binary audit log files on the Laserfiche Server computer. It is important to back up these log files as part of your standard backup procedure to prevent loss of audit data. Audit data is only stored in these logs. Therefore, if the binary audit logs are not backed up, loss of the audit logs will result in permanent loss of all audit data. To preserve your audit data, you should consider your audit logs to be as important to your backup process as volume or database information.

By default, a repository's binary audit logs are stored in the AUDIT folder of the repository directory. You can choose to store these files in another location by specifying that location in the Auditing Properties dialog box; see Audit Log Settings for more information.

The Forms audit logs are stored in the audit log folder configured on the Laserfiche Audit Trail Configuration page under the Forms tab. If you change the audit log folder after a source has been registered, the existing audit logs will have to manually be moved to the new location.

Since Audit Trail will automatically create new logs when the old logs have rolled over, it is important to back up the directories and its contents to ensure that all audit information has been backed up. Ensure all audit logs are included in your backup procedure and update your backup plan as necessary when new logs are created or logs are moved.

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