Backing Up Your Volumes

Volumes store the images, text, electronic files, thumbnails, and word locations that make up your documents and electronic documents. As a result, you should consider volumes to be a critical repository component that needs to be backed up.

Reminder: SQL Server database backup should be synchronized with volume data backup.

As explained in the Repository Layout chapter, volumes contain two types of folder tree hierarchies. One folder tree hierarchy contains images and text. The second contains electronic files; this hierarchy can be identified by a letter "e" that precedes the two-digit folder name (i.e., e00). The number of folder tree hierarchies per volume will vary according to the size of your volume. As your volume grows, so will the number of folder tree hierarchies that branch off the root of the volume's fixed and/or removable path.

When backing up your volumes, keep in mind that a volume may store data in more than one location. If you have assigned a fixed and a removable path to a volume, the images, text, and electronic files will be stored in different paths (as specified in the Paths tab of the Volume Properties dialog box).

The only way to be sure that all future data stored in the volume will be backed up is by archiving the folder specified by the fixed and/or removable paths and all its subfolders. Only by archiving the volume's entire folder structure can you be sure that all data will be backed up.

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