Run Workflow

The ClosedRun Workflow tab enables you to specify whether or not to start a workflow on processed documents after they are sent to the repository.

To enable this option, select Run a workflow on the document after storing.

If the workflow selected has input parameters, these parameters will be displayed below the selected workflow. If a default value was configured in Workflow for a parameter, that value will automatically be set next to the parameter in this tab. If there is no default value, the value will say <Blank>. In either case, you can edit the value using static text or tokens.

Note: Tokens created from processes configured in Last Page Identification are not available.

Example: Bluth University has an application approval workflow that contains a Started by Quick Fields parameter. The workflow uses this value to help troubleshoot any application errors. If the application reports an error, and the workflow knows it was started by Quick Fields, it can email the Workflow administrator as well as the Quick Fields administrator so they can both troubleshoot the problem. If it was not started by Quick Fields, then the error did not originate in Quick Fields and workflow will only email the Workflow administrator

If you have re-published a workflow and want Quick Fields to update its list of parameters for that workflow, click Refresh parameters below the parameters.