Migrate Multiple Document Classes

Migrating a document class sends the documents in that document class to a different repository from the one originally associated with that class, or changes the account logged in to the repository associated with that class. In Quick Fields you can migrate multiple document classes at one time.

Example: Earl's Quick Fields session contains different document classes that are all sent to the same repository after being processed. Earl needs to change the user Quick Fields uses to connect to that repository. Instead of changing the user for each document class individually, he can change them all at the same time.

Note: You can use a Laserfiche Cloud connection to authenticate to a repository.

To migrate multiple document classes

  1. Right-click on Classification in the Session Configuration Pane and select ClosedMigrate Document Classes.

  2. If there are multiple document classes that are connected differently, a ClosedConnection Migration dialog box will be displayed. This dialog will list all the document class's unique connections. Select the connection you want to migrate from and click OK. A connection is defined as a repository and the account used to log in to the repository.

  3. In the ClosedSession Connection Manager, the document classes associated with the connection you selected in step 2 above will be displayed. This dialog box will also display the number of document classes that will be migrated.

  4. Update the connection information as desired. Do one of the following:
  5. Click OK. This will migrate all the document classes listed in the Session Connection Manager. You cannot select individual ones to migrate. Once migrated, you cannot undo the migration.