Sending Entries and Entry Links via Email

Laserfiche allows you to send any combination of images, text, and/or electronic files associated with documents as attachments to an email, allowing you to share information stored in a Laserfiche repository with people who don’t have access to it. Recipients do not need to have Laserfiche installed to view attached imaged documents or electronic documents, however, they will need the appropriate software to view electronic document(s).

Note: Text attachments are only created for text-only pages. If a page contains both an image and text, only the image will be sent.

You can also send links that will automatically open the Laserfiche repository to a particular document or folder. While these links do require that the recipient have access to the repository, they allow you to point users directly to a document or folder. Links also have the advantage that they are governed by Laserfiche security: if you link a user to a document or folder, they will only be able to open it if they have the correct rights. In the Laserfiche Windows client, links are sent as small shortcut files; in the Laserfiche web client, they are sent as URL links.

Note: While documents can either be sent directly as pages or sent as a link, folders can only be sent as a link.

You can also share documents with Laserfiche direct share. When you share documents through direct share, the recipient will receive a unique and anonymous URL they can use to access the files for a limited period of time. You can add a password, and specify the number of days until the URL expires. You will receive notifications when the content is viewed. Administrators can see the status of shared content, including who shared a document, with whom, and if and when the document was accessed.