Annotation Comments Search Syntax
Advanced search syntax can be used to search for the comments associated with annotations in your documents. All advanced search types can be customized with advanced search operators and wildcards. Annotation comment searches search across all types of annotations.
Annotation Comment:
- {LF:AnnComment~="Value"}
- {LFAnn:Comment~="Value"}
The second format for annotation comments searches allows you to do attribute searches within the LFAnn namespace. For the full list of properties that can be searched on in the LFAnn namespace, see the Advanced Search Syntax white paper.
To search for annotation comments that contain the word "Due" using indexed search:
To search for annotation comments that contain the phrase "Review materials", using indexed search (note that, as this is a phrase search, the phrase has been enclosed in single quotes within the standard double quotes): :
{LF:AnnComment~="'Review materials'"}
To search for protected annotation comments that contain the phrase "important":
- {LFAnn:Comment~="important", Protected="y"}
To search for annotation comments created by the user with username Marvin and that also contain the phrase "important":
- {LFAnn:Comment~="important", Creator="Marvin"}