Security Tags
Security tags are metadata you can apply to a document which only allow certain users or groups to view the entry. You can apply security tags the same way you apply informational tags.
Only trustees who have been granted a security tag in the Administration Console can see the entries tagged with that tag. With security tags, you can apply security specifically to entries and that security stays with the entry regardless of where it ends up in your folder structure. Additionally, tag security is absolute: either you have the tag and can access the tagged entry (assuming you also have all other rights to the entry), or you do not have the tag and the entry is hidden to you.
Example: Only the Managers group has been given the “Special Initiative” security tag. They tag all documents concerning the initiative with the security tag when the documents are created. Even though these documents are moved through various folders that a variety of employees have access to, only managers can see the tagged documents. Employees, who have not been granted the tag, cannot search for or see that these documents exist, even if they have full access rights to these documents.
An added benefit of security tags is that they are searchable, like any other metadata. In the above example, if a manager wants to see all the documents pertaining to the special initiative, he or she just searches for the “Special Initiative” security tag.
Furthermore, security tags stay with documents even if they are moved to the recycle bin. Trustees with the right to see all documents in the recycle bin cannot see documents assigned security tags unless they have been granted the relevant security tags.
Free Training: Supplemental Security in the Laserfiche Repository eLearning course in Aspire.