DocuSign Integration Tokens
Note: The DocuSign integration is only used with the Laserfiche web client. It is not supported with the Laserfiche Windows client.
DocuSign Envelope Status Tokens
Token | Type | Description |
%(ACHolder) | String | User name of the authoritative copy holder. |
%(ACHolderEmail) | String | Email address of the authoritative copy holder. |
%(ACHolderLocation) | String | Location of the authoritative copy holder. |
%(ACStatus) | String | Authoritative copy status: DepositPending, Deposited, DepositedEO, or DepositFailed |
%(ACStatusDate) | DateTime | Creation date of the authoritative copy. |
%(AuthoritativeCopy) | Boolean | Specifies whether the authoritative copy is created. |
%(Completed) | DateTime | When the envelope was competed. |
%(Declined) | DateTime | When the envelope was declined by a recipient. |
%(DeclinedbyUserName) | String | User name of the recipient that declined the envelope. |
%(DeclinedByEmail) | String | Email address of the recipient that declined the envelope. |
%(DeclinedByReason) | String | Reason why the recipient declined the envelope. |
%(Deleted) | DateTime | When the envelope was deleted. |
%(Delivered) | String | When an envelope was last viewed by a signer. |
%(Email) | String | Email address of the person who created the envelope. |
%(EnvelopeID) | String | Envelope ID. |
%(EnvelopeIdStamping) | Boolean | Specifies whether the envelope stamping feature is enabled. |
%(EnvelopePDFHash) | String | Hash value of the document. |
%(SenderIPAddress) | String | IP address of the user who sent the envelope. |
%(Sent) | DateTime | When the envelope was sent. |
%(Signed) | DateTime | When the document was last signed. |
%(SigningLocation) | DocuSignAPI.SigningLocationCode | Location of the signer . |
%(Status) | DocuSignAPI.EnvelopeStatusCode | Status of the envelope. |
%(Subject) | String | Envelope subject. |
%(TimedOut) | DateTime | When the envelope timed out. |
%(TimeGenerated) | DateTime | Creation time of the envelope. |
%(UserName) | String | User name of the envelope creator. |
DocuSign Recipient Status Tokens
The 0 in each recipient status token name represents the index of each recipient. 0 represents the first recipient in the envelope. You can replace the integer with All to get data for all recipients (e.g., RecipientStatuses.All.UserName). If the associated Laserfiche field is a multi-value field, each value will be appended as an additional value in the multi-value field. If the Laserfiche field is not a multi-value field, the integration saves the data as a comma-separated value in the field.
Token | Type | Description |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.AccountStatus) | String | Status of the recipient's account. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.ClientUserId) | String | Specifies if the recipient is a captive recipient. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.Declined) | DateTime | When the envelope was declined. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.DeclineReason) | String | Reason why the recipient declined the envelope. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.Delivered) | DateTime | When the envelope was seen by the recipient. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.DeliveryMethod) | DocuSignAPI.DeliveryMethod | Specifies whether the envelope was delivered by email or fax. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.Email) | String | Email address of the recipient. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.EsignAgreementInformation) | DocuSignAPI.RecipientStatusEsignAgreementInformation | Agreement information of the recipient. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.FaxNumber) | String | Fax number of the recipient. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.IDCheckInformation) | DocuSignAPI.IDCheckInInformation | Personal information about the recipient. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.RecipientId) | String | DocuSign recipient ID for the recipient. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.RecipientIPAddress) | String | IP address of the recipient's most recent access of the envelope. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.RoutingOrder) | Unsigned Short | Routing order of the recipient in the envelope. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.Sent) | DateTime | When the envelope was sent. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.Signed) | DateTime | When the envelope was signed. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.Status) | DocuSignAPI.RecipientStatusCode | Status of the recipient. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.Type) | DocuSignAPI.RecipientTypeCode | Role of the recipient. |
%(RecipientStatuses.0.UserName) | String | User name of the recipient. |
Custom Field Tokens
The integration also supports retrieving the values of any envelope custom fields that you have configured for your DocuSign account.
Token | Type | Description |
%(CustomFields.YourCustomFieldName) | String | Corresponds to the name a custom field. |
%(Customfields.TemplateName) | String | Corresponds to a DocuSign template name. |
Document Status Tokens
If you chose to send a Laserfiche document to DocuSign, the following tokens contain information about the documents in the envelope.
Token | Type | Description |
%(DocumentStatuses.0.ID) | String | ID of the document. |
%(DocumentStatuses.0.Name) | String | Name of the document as specified in the DocuSign template. |
%(DocumentStatuses.0.Sequence) | String | Order of the document in the envelope. |
Related Links
The DocuSign Envelope Status and DocuSign Recipient Status tokens correspond with classes in the DocuSign API. Please see the following DocuSign documentation for more information.