Signing Documents with DocuSign

You can select documents from the folder browser and then choose to send these documents to DocuSign to get signatures. The Laserfiche web client will export the selected documents to DocuSign. Designated recipients will receive an email message notifying them that documents are awaiting their signature. When appropriate, DocuSign can send information regarding the status of the DocuSign envelope. The Laserfiche web client can then modify field metadata on the sent documents to reflect the status of the sent documents.

Note: The DocuSign integration is only used with the Laserfiche web client. It is not supported with the Laserfiche Windows client.

To send documents to DocuSign

  1. Select one or more documents in the folder browser.
  2. Click the Request Signature ()toolbar button or use the Request Signature with DocuSign option in the Tasks menu to load the ClosedRequest Signature with DocuSign dialog box.
  3. In the Documents section, you will see a list of the documents you want to send to DocuSign. Click + Add Document to append additional documents to the DocuSign envelope. When you have multiple documents, reorder documents by dragging and dropping the () icon.
  4. Note: You can multi-select documents within the same folder in the Select Document dialog box.

    Note: Make sure that the number of selected documents and document order is compatible with the desired DocuSign template.

  5. To remove documents from the envelope, hover over a document and click the red x ().
  6. In the DocuSign Template drop-down list, select the appropriate DocuSign template. DocuSign templates define signing instructions for specific sets of documents.
  7. The Recipients section will contain one or more rows. Specify the name and email address of each person from whom you want to request a signature. The Laserfiche web client can access your DocuSign Address book to facilitate auto-completion of names and email addresses.
  8. Note: Depending on the selected DocuSign template, some recipients can be left blank. Required recipients are marked and must be filled in before sending to DocuSign.

  9. Customize the contents of the email notification. A default subject and message may be associated with the template.
  10. Click Request Signature to send the selected documents to DocuSign. Designated recipients will receive an email message from DocuSign asking them to review and sign the submitted documents.

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