Configuring a Redirect Allowlist
To avoid redirect vulnerabilities in the Directory Server STS, Laserfiche Directory Server administrators can enable checking against an allowlist that restricts redirects to approved domains.
- Open the STS Web.config in a text editor of your choice. By default, this file is located in C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Directory Server\Web\WebSTS.
- Find:
<add key="RedirectWhitelistEnabled" value="false" />
<add key="RedirectWhitelistDomains" value="" />- By default, the value for the RedirectWhitelistEnabled key is set to False. To set a list of allowed domains, this value must be changed to True.
Note: If you set RedirectWhitelistEnabled to True, but do not specify any values in RedirectWhitelistDomains, only the domain the STS resides on will be allowed.
- For the RedirectWhitelistDomains key, add domains as the value, separating the domain names with a comma. The specified domains should match the values used by users to access the respective Laserfiche application. For example, if users browse to Laserfiche Forms using, and the Directory Server STS does not reside on, then you should append to the list.
- By default, the value for the RedirectWhitelistEnabled key is set to False. To set a list of allowed domains, this value must be changed to True.
- Save the Web.config file.
Note: To configure STS sites for your SAML identity providers, navigate to STS Sites.