Configuring Windows Failover Clustering for Directory Server

This topic documents the configuration information necessary to support Windows failover clustering for Laserfiche Directory Server.

Configuring failover clustering involves the following steps:

  1. Installing and configuring the Windows Failover Clustering feature on the appropriate Windows Server machines.
  2. Configuring Laserfiche Directory Server.

Windows Server Configuration

  1. Install the Windows Failover Clustering feature on all computers in the potential cluster. Make sure to include the cluster management tools.
  2. Open Windows Failover Cluster Manager and create a new cluster.
    1. Include all the appropriate computers in the cluster.
    2. Under Nodes, verify that all the appropriate computers are listed.
  3. Install Laserfiche Directory Server with the Laserfiche Directory Server Failover Cluster Support component on all computers in the cluster.
  4. Using Windows Failover cluster Manager, under Roles, create and configure a new role.
    1. In the wizard, on the Select Role step, select Other Server.
    2. On the Client Access Point step, specify a cluster role name.
    3. When prompted to select a Resource Type, choose Laserfiche Directory Service Resource.
  5. Back in the Failover Cluster Manager, right-click on the newly created role and view the Properties.
    1. On the General tab, in the Preferred Owners section, select all the nodes.
    2. On the Failover tab, adjust failover settings as appropriate.
  6. Check that Resource properties for the role are configured.
    1. Select the Role.
    2. At the bottom of Failover Cluster Manager, click the Resources tab.
    3. Under Server Name, right-click on the Server name (the "Client Access Point") and click Properties.
    4. On the Dependencies tab, take note of the IP address value. Then close the properties dialog box.
    5. Under Other Resources, right-click on Laserfiche Directory Service Resource, and click Properties.
    6. On the Dependencies tab, take note of the Resource name.
    7. Start the cluster. Right-click on Laserfiche Directory Service Resource and click Bring Online.

Note: You may need to stop all Directory Server services before starting the cluster.

Directory Server Configuration

  1. View the Laserfiche Directory Server Administration site.
  2. On the Settings tab, turn on the Enable Cluster (this action cannot be undone) option.
  3. Next to Cluster Role Name, specify the cluster role created in the previous section.
  4. Next to Cluster Fingerprint, specify the hardware fingerprint of the first cluster node hosting Directory Server.
  5. Click Add new host to cluster and add a cluster node. Repeat as necessary for additional nodes. Use the fully qualified domain name for each host name.

Note: The licensing database connections must be configured separately for each node. Administrators should create and activate the Directory Server database on one node, then attach the database to the other Directory Server nodes.