Installation Summary

This topic details the primary directories and files created by Workflow during installation.

Install Directories 

  • C:\ProgramData\Laserfiche\WF
  • C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Laserfiche\WF
  • C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\Laserfiche\Laserfiche.Workflow.Desig_StrongName...

    Note: This folder name may contain a unique, automatically generated string of characters.

  • <Install Directory>\Laserfiche Workflow 10 (i.e., C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Laserfiche Workflow 10)


Executables located in <Install Directory>\Laserfiche Workflow 10 (i.e., C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Laserfiche Workflow 9)

  • Laserfiche.Workflow.Designer.exe: Launches the Workflow Designer.
  • Laserfiche.Workflow.Service.exe: Starts the Workflow Server.
  • Laserfiche.Workflow.Subscriber.exe: Starts the Workflow Subscriber.
  • Laserfiche.Workflow.Activities.83.Processor.exe: Runs some of the activities that access third-party libraries or have long-running actions. Some examples are the database, PDF, and document processor activities.
  • Laserfiche.Workflow.Compiler.exe: Runs the main component for publishing workflows to the Workflow Server.
  • WFScheduleMonitor.exe: Integrates Windows Task Schedule with the Workflow Server.
  • WorkflowMigrationUtility.exe: Launches the Workflow Migration Utility.

Executables located <Install Directory>\Laserfiche Workflow 9\Utilities (i.e., C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Laserfiche Workflow 9\Utilities)

  • Laserfiche.Workflow.ConfigurationManager.exe: Launches the Workflow Configuration Manager.
  • CreateMessageQueues.exe: A utility that runs during configuration to setup MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queuing).
  • Laserfiche.Workflow.ActivityProxyGen.exe: A utility that helps generate custom activities.
  • ActivationToolNET4.exe: A tool for activating Laserfiche licenses.
  • Laserfiche.Workflow.Console.exe: Launches the Workflow Administration Console.