WebLink Settings Bundler

The WebLink Settings Bundler is a utility that enables you to back up your WebLink Designer configuration settings (e.g., custom branding, color, and navigation settings), or to migrate them from one WebLink installation to another.

Note: If upgrading to a newer minor (i.e., 10.1 to 10.2) or major (i.e., 10 to 11) version of WebLink, you will need to back up all your settings using the WebLink Settings Bundler's export option. The upgrade process will overwrite all existing configuration. After upgrading, use the Weblink Settings Bundler's import option to restore your configuration.

To export WebLink settings:

  1. On the machine hosting WebLink, browse to WebLink's installation directory. In most cases, this will be C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\WebLink\WebLink\Utilities.
  2. In the Utilities folder, open WebLinkSettingsBundler.exe.
  3. Under Export, select the folder you want to export the settings to.
  4. Click Export.

Note: If you have multiple virtual directories configured, settings will be exported for all of them. As a result, the WebLink instance you import the settings into should have the same virtual directories defined.

To import WebLink settings:

  1. On the machine hosting the instance of WebLink you want to import settings into, configure at least one virtual directory to have the same settings as a virtual directory on the original machine (virtual directory name, authentication, etc.). Repeat this step for each relevant virtual directory you want to import settings into.
  2. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\WebLink\WebLink\Utilities.
  3. On the same machine, browse to WebLink's installation directory.
  4. In the Utilities folder, open WebLinkSettingsBundler.exe.
  5. Under Import, select the folder where the settings are located.
  6. Click Import.

Note: If you import settings for a WebLink installation that has already been configured, the imported settings will replace the currently configured settings.