Configuring Diagnostics

The Diagnostics page in Laserfiche Forms allows you to select a log level, as well as enable or disable tracing, to help you troubleshoot a specific problem.

Warning: Tracing generates very large logs and slows performance. It is strongly recommended that you enable tracing, perform the action that reproduces the problem you are trying to diagnose, and then turn off tracing. Leaving tracing running can slow performance and create enormous log files that are very difficult to use in diagnosing a problem. Tracing should never be left running indefinitely.

You can select from the following log levels:

  • Critical: Only very important errors are logged. This is the default setting.
  • Important: All errors are logged.
  • Informational: Error and non-error informational messages are logged.
  • Debug: Log the most number of events to help with debugging.
  • Trace: Log additional details about a complete running instance from start to end, which can help when troubleshooting issues.

For troubleshooting possible issues with form submissions, you may select the Enable submitted form data logging option to log submitted form and lookup data in the session variable. The submitted form data will be saved under C:\ProgramData\Laserfiche\Forms\Logs\RawSubmittedForm by default.

Note: Be sure to turn off form data logging and delete the data after troubleshooting to protect any sensitive information.

To help troubleshoot issues related to PDF generation like printing a form, executing a save to repository task, or attaching a submission to an email, select the Enable detailed logging when generating PDF option. This option will save additional logs when using Chromium, Chrome, or Edge browsers. The log will be saved under C:\ProgramData\Laserfiche\Forms\Logs\PuppeteerLogs by default.

Note: Be sure to turn off PDF logging and delete the log data after troubleshooting to protect any sensitive information.

To troubleshoot possible database issues, select the Enable logging of database queries option. This option will save each query executed against the Form database when the log level is set to Debug, and includes connection creation, use, and disposal details when set to Trace. Queries that run longer than the DatabaseQueryLoggingThreshold time will be saved under C:\ProgramData\Laserfiche\Forms\Logs\DatabaseQuery by default. Be sure to delete the data after troubleshooting to protect any sensitive information.

You can also enable Repository Access tracing. Once enabled, the option allows you to specify the location where you want to store the error log. You should only enable this type of tracing when troubleshooting specific issues, usually at the request of your support contact.