Configuring Single-click reCAPTCHA

Single-click reCAPTCHA helps protect your forms against spam and abuse. Once single-click reCAPTCHA is configured in Forms Configuration, you can enable reCAPTCHA in a form using a Message Start Event. The resulting form will have a checkbox at the bottom of the page that users can select to indicate that they are humans and not robots:

Setting Up Single-click ReCAPTCHA

  1. Open the Laserfiche Forms Configuration page to the Single-click reCAPTCHA tab.
  2. Type the site key and secret key provided on the reCAPTCHA site. Both keys are necessary to enable single-click reCAPTCHA.

    Note: You cannot currently use site keys or secret keys that contain special characters (i.e., any of the following characters: "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", ".", "+", "(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]", "\", ",", "/", "?", "'", ";", ":", """, "~", "`", or the space).

  3. Optional: Click Test reCAPTCHA to ensure the keys work.

    Note: Forms instances must be able to reach Google's reCAPTCHA verification endpoint at Outbound firewalls and/or network proxies may block this traffic. If a Forms instance cannot reach the endpoint, users performing reCAPTCHA validation will receive an error message stating "Failed to verify with the reCAPTCHA server."

  4. Click Save.