Quick Fields Agent System Manager Login

Quick Fields Agent System Managers are able to perform System Manager-only operations such as creating and deleting Quick Fields Agent schedules, setting up notification emails, etc. The Quick Fields Agent System Manager is automatically granted to the built-in Administrators Windows group on the machine where Quick Fields Agent is installed

You can log in as a Quick Fields Agent System Manager by clicking Log in as System Manager to access Server-level functionality link at the top of any page in the Web Administration Console.

You can also click the drop-down arrow next to the Quick Fields Agent Server name in the left pane and select System Manager Login.  (In some cases, you may automatically be prompted to provide your Quick Fields Agent System Manager credentials).

Important: If you provide your username and password to perform an administrative task from another user's computer, be sure to log out by clicking DISCONNECT at the top right of the screen when you are done. Otherwise, the user may be able to perform Quick Fields Agent System Manager tasks using your credentials.

Once you have opened the System Manager Login dialog, you will need to provide the Windows credentials for your Quick Fields Agent System Manager account:

  • User name: The name of the Windows user that will be used to connect to the Quick Fields Agent Server. By default, this will be the Windows user you are currently logged in as. You can also provide a different Windows user name; the user name provided does not need to be the same as the user who is currently logged in to Windows.
  • Password: The Windows password corresponding to the Windows user under User name

Note: The System Manager role in the desktop Quick Fields Agent Administration console does not require a manual login. The role is automatically selected. The desktop Quick Fields Agent Administration console is silently installed with the Quick Fields Agent Service.

To log out of your Quick Fields Agent System Manager account, click DISCONNECT at the top right of any Web Administration page.

Note: You can also log in as a Laserfiche Server System Manager to manage Laserfiche Server System Manager tasks.