Installing Laserfiche Mobile Server
To use the Laserfiche app, you must install the Laserfiche Mobile Server on your server machine and the Laserfiche app on your iOS, Android, or Windows device.
You must have a Laserfiche Mobile license to install the Laserfiche Mobile Server. Laserfiche Rio comes with a Laserfiche Mobile Server license.
To install the Laserfiche Mobile Server
- From the Laserfiche 11 installation, run the autorun. In the Language Selection dialog box select the language for the installation.
- Select the Laserfiche Mobile Server installation option.
- On the Welcome step, click Next.
- On the License Agreement step, read the license agreement and select I accept the terms in the License Agreement if you agree to the terms of the license agreement. Click Next to continue.
- On the Choose Setup Type step, select one of the following:
- Typical and Complete: Installs the Laserfiche Mobile Web Service, OmniPage OCR, and Laserfiche CloudImport Services.
- Custom: Allows you to choose which components of the Laserfiche Mobile Server you want to install. Select the components, define the install directory, and click Next.
- On the Laserfiche Product Activation step, specify how you want to activate the Laserfiche Mobile Server.
- If you have an activation key, select the Activate online using the following activation key option and specify the activation key in the text box. You can use CTRL+V to paste your key into the activation key option.
- If you are activating by registering your Laserfiche Mobile Server with Laserfiche Directory Server, select Activate using the Laserfiche Directory Server. In that case, you will need to complete additional steps.
- If you received a license file, select the Activate using the following license file option and browse to the path where the Laserfiche Mobile Server license file can be found.
- If you chose to activate using the Laserfiche Directory Server, complete the following steps. If not, skip to step 9.
- In the first Register to a Laserfiche Directory Server step, in the Laserfiche Directory Server option, type the name of your Laserfiche Directory Server computer. In the Log on as option, select whether to log in as the current Windows user or as another Windows user. Click Next.
- ln the next step, in the License database option, select the license database for your installation. In the License block option, select the appropriate Laserfiche Mobile registration. In most cases, there will be only one license database and only one Laserfiche Mobile license block.
- In the same step, select whether to use an existing registration or register a new instance. If you or your administrator already registered this computer, select Use existing registration and choose the computer from the list. If not, select Register new instance. Click Next.
- In the same step, if the available license information seems incomplete or out of date, you may need to renew your master license to get the most current information. Click Renew Master License to do so.
- Next, verify that the Organization path, Laserfiche Directory Server, Licensing database, and Registered name are correct. Click Next.
Note: If you are using Laserfiche Directory Server for license management and you have configured organizations, the Organization path option will also be displayed on this step. Select the organization you want to use in this option.
- The Laserfiche Service Settings step defines the default account the Laserfiche Mobile service should use when IIS is configured for anonymous authentication. You can specify a custom Windows domain account or use the Windows Internet Guest (IUSR) account. Anonymous Access allows visitors to access IIS without providing a user name and password. For most situations, you can choose the built-in IUSR guest account. You should only need to specify a domain account if you have a security configuration where the IUSR account cannot access the web client installation path. You can change this setting after the installation by enabling the Anonymous Authentication option for the mobile virtual directory in IIS Manager. Select if you want to create a Windows Firewall exception and click Next to continue.
- On the Ready to Install step, review the list of components under Components to Install. If you are satisfied, click Install to continue. To include other components, press Back to return to the Choose Setup Type step.
- Ensure all the prerequisites are installed. Click Next.
- At this point in the installation, IIS needs to be reset. Click OK to automatically reset IIS and proceed with the installation.
- When the installation process is complete, click Next.
- On the completion step, select View the Readme file and/or Open the Laserfiche Mobile Server Configuration page, then click Finish.
- After installing the Laserfiche Mobile Server, use your mobile device to download the Laserfiche app from the Apple App Store, Google Play, or the Windows App Store.
Note: If you have a previous version of the Laserfiche Mobile Server already installed, it will be uninstalled for you but the Laserfiche Distributed Processing Service will be retained.
Note: If OmniPage OCR is already installed on this machine, both options will be selected in this step.
Note: Ensure the Mobile virtual directory in IIS has Anonymous access enabled.