Unattended Installation of the Quick Fields Server

The unattended installation procedure allows an administrator to perform custom unattended installations of the basic Laserfiche product line either from the command prompt or by running a batch file.

Syntax for the command prompt

"InstallerPath/QF.exe" -server "localhost -db "QFdb" -sqlUser "sqlAdmin" -sqlPass "xxxx"

  • InstallerPath is the path to the folder that contains the QF.exe file for the installation you want to perform. For instance, if the server installation QF.exe file is currently in a "Quick Fields Server" folder on the D drive, the full path would be "D:\Quick Fields Server\QF.exe".
  • -server is the name of the SQL server for Quick Fields
  • -db is the name of the database the Quick Fields Server will use
  • -sqlUser the name of the SQL user that will access the database
  • -sqlPass the password for the SQL user that will access the database

Different batch files can be created for various types of installations and can be run as needed without manually typing the commands.

To create a batch file

  1. Create a new text file.
  2. Include in it the path to the appropriate setup file followed by the desired command line arguments. Use the syntax provided above.
  3. Save the batch file as “QuickFieldsServer.bat” or some other name that corresponds with the type of installation that it will perform.
  4. Run the batch file as needed on each computer that Laserfiche should be installed on or use SMS to install on multiple computers remotely.