Configuring Laserfiche Forms to Communicate with Workflow

For Laserfiche Forms to communicate with Workflow, you must tell Forms which Workflow Server to use. In addition, the Workflow Server must have its Web Services feature installed and configured to connect to Laserfiche Forms.

To specify Workflow servers for Laserfiche Forms to use

  1. Open the Forms Configuration page and click Laserfiche in the navigation.
  2. Click Add Workflow Server.
  3. In the Laserfiche Workflow Servers field, type the name of the machine hosting the workflow server you want Laserfiche Forms to use. If the Workflow server uses a port other than the default, specify the port after the server name (e.g., workflowServer:port).
  4. To secure network communications between Forms and Workflow, select Use TLS connection.
  5. Click Test Connection to verify that Forms can reach the selected server.
  6. If multiple workflow servers will be used, repeat steps 2 through 5 above.
  7. Click Save.

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