Error Code Range: 700-799

700 - MaximumInvokeDepthReached

Failed to invoke workflow '{0}', the maximum invoke depth has been reached ({1})

701 - InvalidEndDate_NotValid

The End Date is not a valid date.

702 - NotificationTemplateAlreadyExists

A notification template already exists with the name: {0}

703 - ActionSkippedDueToHoliday

Notification was not sent because it occurred on a holiday.

704 - BusinessProcessInstanceNotFoundById

The business process with ID '{0}' was not found in the database.

705 - BusinessProcessInstanceWasAlreadyClosed

The business process instance '{0}' has already ended.

706 - BusinessProcessEntityWasAlreadyClosed

The business process instance '{0}' has already ended.

707 - InvalidDueDate_NotValid

The Due Date is not a valid date.

708 - NoManagerWasFoundForTrustee

No manager was found for trustee '{0}' in directory '{1}'.

709 - StepParticipantsBindingNotSet

The reference to the step participants was empty or not set. The participants were not updated.

710 - ScriptAssemblyNotFoundOnPublish

Script assembly file '{0}' was not found. Scripts may not run correctly for workflow '{1}'.

711 - UserDoesNotHaveAFolderAssigned

User '{0}' does not have a folder assigned.

712 - GroupDoesNotHaveAFolderAssigned

Group '{0}' does not have a folder assigned.

713 - ErrorCommunicatingWithLaserficheServer

Error communicating with Laserfiche Server '{0}': {1}

714 - ProcessNotDeleted_WrongSource

The Laserfiche Business Process '{0}' was not deleted from repository '{1}' due to it being owned by '{2}'.

715 - StepReferenceWasEmptyAndCouldNotBeClosed

The reference to the step was empty or could not be found. The step could not be closed properly.

716 - NotificationPortProbablyFirewalled

The subscriber service could not listen to notifications. This is most likely due to a firewall blocking the notification port {0} on Laserfiche server {1}

717 - BusinessProcessActivity_Warning_ReportingIdTooLong

Reporting IDs cannot be longer than {0} characters. The given reporting ID is too long and will be truncated to '{1}'.

718 - NotificationEmailNotFound

No destination e-mail was found for the notification to account name '{0}'.

719 - MaximumFileUsingFormFieldsRetrieved

Only {0} collection or table fields can be retrieved at one time.

720 - FailedToStartDisabledBusinessProcess

Failed to start business process '{0}' because it is currently disabled

721 - DefaultVolumeMissingForReplication

Could not replicate to the folder '{0}' since it does not have a default volume.

722 - ContextedLockTimedOut

The activity stopped waiting for the synchronization context with ID '{0}' because it reached the maximum wait time ({1}).

723 - LockContextIsNullOrEmpty

No synchronization occurred because the synchronization ID was empty.

724 - DpsEndPointNotFound

Could not connect to the scheduler. Ensure the following: (1) the host name and port are correct, (2) the scheduler node is on, and (3) the firewall is not blocking the connection.

725 - Dps_DefaultNotFound

Default scheduler does not exist.

726 - Dps_ServerNotFound

The selected scheduler does not exist.

727 - ExportAsImage_Error

Failed to export workflow as an image.

728 - WebServiceNotSynchronized

The Web service '{0}' was not found on the Workflow Server. It needs to either be configured or reassigned.

729 - DPSServiceNotSynchronized

The Distributed Computing Cluster Scheduler '{0}' was not found on the Workflow Server. It must be configured or reassigned.

730 - HadInvalidCookieContainerParameter

The cookie container passed into the workflow was invalid.

731 - HadTwoCookieContainerParameter

Two cookie containers (binary and XML) were passed into the workflow. Only the binary cookie jar will be used.

732 - ConnectionRedirectFailed

Connection redirect '{0}' with ID {1} failed because: {2}

733 - ConnectionRedirectFailedDefaultSucceeded

The original workflow connection profile succeeded.

734 - ConnectionRedirectFailedAnotherSucceeded

Redirect '{0}' with ID {1} succeeded.

735 - MustBeABusinessProcess

The workflow must be a business process.

736 - ExchangeServerNotFound

Exchange server ‘{0}’ not found.

737 - GenericInvalidFieldValueError

Value for field ‘{0}’ was not valid.

738 - Exchange_NoFieldsConfigured

No fields were configured.

739 - ExchangeItemCouldNotBeFound

Exchange Item could not be found.

740 - MaximumFilesAttached

Only {0} files can be attached per email.

741 - MaximumAttachmentSize

ICalendar files can only support up to 1MB of attachments. Additional attachments will be ignored.

742 - AccessIsDenied_StartWorkflow

Access Denied. {0} does not have permission to start the business process.

743 - DuplicateSearchFilterName

‘{0}’ already exists; please rename the search filter and save again.

744 - DuplicateWorkflowFolderName

Adding folder ‘{0}’ failed because another folder already has the same name.

745 - BPFilterRequirementCheck

The entry ‘{0}’ did not match the filter requirements. Please review the starting instructions.

746 - BPMetadataFilterRequirementCheck

The entry ‘{0}’ did not match the filter requirements. {1}.

747 - NotAnAuthorizedFormsMachine

The machine '{0}' is not an authorized Forms server for starting workflows.

748 - RemoteEndpointRequired

The remote endpoint was not set. This is a required message property for starting a workflow directly.

749 - AuthenticatedUsersAreRequriedToStartWorkflows

Anonymous users are not allowed to start workflows.

750 - WorkflowCompletionContextExpired

Completion of instance ‘{0}’ of workflow ‘{1}’ failed due to completion lifetime expiration. {2}.

751 - DpsModuleNotConnected

The Distributed Computing Cluster Module ‘{0}’ is not enabled for the specified host.

752 - DocumentHadNoPages

The source document contained no pages.

753 - WorkflowVersionHasBeenDeleted

Workflow definition has been deleted.

754 - EntryHasNoEDoc

The document ‘{0}’ does not have an attached electronic document.

755 - UnknownAttachmentNotFound

An attachment could not be found.

756 - EmailServerNotFound

The email server ‘{0}’ could not be found.

757 - FormsServerNotConfiguredForWorkflow

The forms server ‘{0}’ is not configured to interact with this workflow server.

758 - CanNotChangeServerWhilePublishing

The workflow server cannot be changed while publishing.

759 - LFUserTokenNotPresentAndIsRequired

Ensure your Laserfiche software is up to date.

760 - LFUserTokenNotUnderstoodUpgradeRequired

The workflow server encountered errors starting the business process. Ensure your Laserfiche software is up to date.

761 - LFServerConnectionError

{0}. Please make sure the server name is correct and you have specified the correct port information.

762 - RequiresLFS104OrHigher

This feature is only available when using Laserfiche Server 10.4 or higher.

763 - RequiresLFS103OrHigher

This feature is only available when using Laserfiche Server 10.3 or higher.

764 - PatternCannotBeEmpty

The pattern cannot be empty.

765 - LongitudeCannotBeEmpty

The longitude cannot be empty.

766 - LatitudeCannotBeEmpty

The latitude cannot be empty.

767 - GeoCoordinateNotValid

The value ‘{0}’ is not a valid number.

768 - GeoCoordinateOutOfRange

The value ‘{0}’ is not in range.

769 - AccessIsDenied_ManageAdminRights

Access is denied. User ‘{0}’ does not have enough rights to perform this action.

770 - AccessIsDenied_ManageAdminRightsSelf

Access is denied. User ‘{0}’ cannot change administrative rights of themself.

771 - AccessIsDenied_ManageAdminRightsGroup

Access is denied. User ‘{0}’ cannot change administrative rights of their member groups.

772 - CloudConnectionAlreadyExists

A Laserfiche Cloud connection already exists with the name ‘{0}’.

773 - CloudRegisterError

Failed to register Laserfiche Cloud connection ‘{0}’: ‘{1}’.

774 - CloudTransientRetryLimitReached

Cloud job retry limit reached.

775- GetAllOrganizationsFailed

Failed to retrieve the list of all organizations.

776- GetAllIdentityProvidersFailed

Failed to retrieve the list of all identity providers.

777 - CreateLfdsGroupFailed

Group '{0}' not registered successfully: {1}

778 - DeleteLfdsTrusteeFailed

Trustee not unregistered successfully: {0}

779 - CreateLfdsUserFailed

User '{0}' not registered successfully: {1}

781 - GetAllLicenseTypesFailed

Failed to retrieve the list of all license types.

782- GetAllFeaturesFailed

Failed to retrieve the list of all features.

783 - AssignLicenseFailed

Could not assign license to user '{0}': {1}

784 - AssignTrusteeToGroupFailed

Could not assign trustee '{0}' to group: {1}

785- InvalidFieldAccessWarning

The field '{0}' could not be accessed. {1} [{2}]