JavaScript in the Form Designer

The Form Designer includes the LFForm object to allow access to the individual form elements.

To access the JavaScript pane in the Form Designer, click the JavaScript icon.

When selected, the right pane will display either the JavaScript inline editor or the external script selector.

The LFForm Object

The LFForm object provides a global interface for accessing Laserfiche form elements and events using JavaScript. Through simple functions, you can find a specific field, retrieve the field values, and update field contents. You also have access to events both at the individual field level as well as the form submission event.

Note: JavaScript created for Classic Designer based forms will not work in the Form Designer. JavaScript will need to be ported or rewritten to use the LFForm object to access elements of the form. Custom JavaScript code added to the form designer is executed in a sand-boxed environment for security and do not support pop ups.

Identification Objects

Identification objects are objects containing information identifying which fields the interface should act on. Identification objects can have the following properties:

  • fieldId: The field ID of a field.

    Example: {fieldId: 1}

  • variableName: The name of the variable associated with the field.

    Example: {variableName: "First_Name"}

  • variableId: The id of the variable associated with the field.

    Example: {variableId: "2343"}

  • index: If the field is in a collection or table, you can specify the index to get the exact field.

    Note: The index starts from 0.

    Example: {fieldId: 2, index: 2}

Note: In all LFForm interfaces, you can specify an array of identification objects instead of just one object to target multiple fields.

Example: LFForm.getFieldValues([{fieldId: 2}, {fieldId: 3}]).

Table/Collection Row/Set Templates

For tables and collections, a form stores the definition for each row or set as a template. These templates are used to generate the row or set whenever they are added. Some of the interfaces in the LFForm object have the ability to affect the template of the field, with the ability to apply changes to future rows or sets.

For these interfaces, when your ID object specifies an index (for example {fieldId: 3, index: 1}), the change will only be applied to the field at the specified index. If your ID object does not specify an index (for example {fieldId: 3}), the change will be applied to the template, and will be applied to all existing and future rows or sets.

The LFForm Properties

The LFForm object contains the following properties that describe the current process information at runtime. They can be used to conditionally perform actions in JavaScript code.

step: {id: string, name: string} or null if it doesn't exist.

  • The current step name of the process with any tokens processed. For example, “{/dataset/approver_name} Approval Task” would be “John Doe Approval Task”.

stage: {id: string, name: string} or null if it doesn't exist.

  • The current stage name as defined in the process diagram.

language: string or null if it doesn't exist.

  • The language selected in the user’s Laserfiche account.

locale: string or null if it doesn't exist.

  • The locale selected in the user’s Laserfiche account.

isCloud: Boolean

  • Whether or not the form is hosted in a Laserfiche Cloud environment.

isPreview: Boolean

  • Whether or not the form was opened in preview mode.

isReadonly: Boolean

  • Whether or not the form is set to read-only. For instance, the user task step was configured to display the form as read-only.

isDisabled: Boolean

  • Whether or not the form was opened from an unassigned task or by a user not assigned to the task.

isPrint: Boolean

  • Whether or not the form is being rendered as a PDF or raster image for a save to repository activity, an email task, or is being downloaded by a user.

isAnonymousUser: Boolean

  • Whether or not the form is public and currently being accessed by an unknown user.

isDraft: Boolean

  • If the form was saved as a draft and has been reopened this will be true, otherwise this will be false.

pageURL: string

  • The current active URL of the loaded form.

The LFForm Interfaces


Gets the value of the specified fields.

  • Signature: LFForm.getFieldValues(id)
  • Input:
    • id: An identification object or array of identification objects that have the desired fields.
  • Output:
    • If there is only one field matching an identification object, returns the data of that field.
    • If there are multiple fields that match an identification object (fields in a collection or table, for instance), returns an array of data for all matching fields.


  • For a single line field with a field ID of 10 and the current value of "Hello":
    • LFForm.getFieldValues({fieldId: 10}); // returns "Hello".
  • For a repeatable field (table or collection) with 3 rows, where each row has a single line field with a field ID of 10; in row 1, the single line field has the value "a"; in row 2, the single line field has the value "b"; and in row 3, the single line field has the value "c":
    • LFForm.getFieldValues({fieldId: 10}); // will return a string array of ["a", "b", "c"].
    • LFForm.getFieldValues({fieldId: 10, index: 0}); // will return "a".


Sets the value of the specified fields.

  • Signature: LFForm.setFieldValues(id, value)
  • Input:
    • id: An identification object or array of identification objects.
    • value: The value to set the field value to.

      Note: Different field types expect different values:

      • SingleLine, MultiLine, Dropdown, RichText, and Signature fields expect a string.
      • Number fields expect a number.
      • Checkbox fields expect an object with a "value" property. For example: {value: ["Choice_1", "Choice_3"]}, {value: ["Choice_1", "_other"], otherChoiceValue: "Hello"}
      • Radio button fields expect an object with a "value" property. For example: {value: "Choice 2"}, {value: "_other", otherChoiceValue: "Hi"}
      • Geolocation fields expect an object with "latitude" and/or "longitude" properties. For example: {latidude: 12, longitude: 34}
      • Address fields expect an object with "address1", "address2", "city", "country", "province" and/or "zipcode" properties. Example: {address1: "3545 Long Beach Blvd", city: "Long Beach", province: "California"}
      • DateTime fields expect an object with a "dateStr" property. A "timeStr" property is optional and only applied when Show Time is enabled for the field. For example: {dateStr: "2021-11-19", timeStr: "10:30:00 AM"}
      • Time fields expect an object with a "timeStr" property. For example: {timeStr: "11:30:25 PM"}
      • Collection, Table, FileUpload and Fileset fields are currently not supported.

      Note: If a field is set as read only, its value can not be changed.

  • Output:
    • A promise that resolves when the values are set or errors are returned.


  • For a single line with field ID 10, LFForm.setFieldValues({fieldId: 10}, "hello"); // will set the field to "hello".
  • For a table or collection with 3 rows, where each row has a single line with field ID 10:
    • LFForm.setFieldValues({fieldId: 10}, "a"); // will set single line in every row to "a".
    • LFForm.setFieldValues({fieldId: 10, index: 0}, "hello"); // will set single line in first row to "hello".
    • LFForm.setFieldValues({fieldId: 10}, ["1", "2", "3"]); // will set single line in first row to "1", second row to "2" and third row to "3".


Shows the specified fields. This function can affect table/collection row/set templates.

  • Signature: LFForm.showFields(id (, id2, id3...))
  • Input:
    • id: An identification object or array of identification objects. You can specify multiple objects for this function.
  • Output:
    • A promise that resolves after the fields are displayed or errors are returned.


  • LFForm.showFields({fieldId: 10}); //will show the field with an ID of 10.
  • LFForm.showFields([{fieldId: 3, index: 1}, {fieldId: 3, index: 3}]); // uses an array to show the second and fourth rows or sets in the table or collection with the ID of 3.
  • LFForm.showFields({fieldId: 3, index: 1}, {fieldId: 3, index: 3}); // uses two ID objects .


Hides the specified fields. This function can affect table/collection row/set templates.

  • Signature: LFForm.hideFields(id (, id2, id3...))
  • Input:
    • id: An identification object or array of identification objects. You can specify multiple objects for this function.
  • Output:
    • A promise that resolves after fields are hidden or errors are returned.


  • LFForm.hideFields({fieldId: 10});
  • LFForm.hideFields([{fieldId: 3, index: 1}, {fieldId: 3, index: 3}]);
  • LFForm.hideFields({fieldId: 3, index: 1}, {fieldId: 3, index: 3});


Disables the specified fields. This function can affect table/collection row/set templates.

  • Signature: LFForm.disableFields(id (, id2, id3...))
  • Input:
    • id: An identification object or array of identification objects. You can specify multiple objects for this function.
  • Output:
    • A promise that resolves after fields are disabled or errors are returned.


  • LFForm.disableFields({fieldId: 10});
  • LFForm.disableFields([{fieldId: 3, index: 1}, {fieldId: 3, index: 3}]);
  • LFForm.disableFields({fieldId: 3, index: 1}, {fieldId: 3, index: 3});


Enables the specified fields. This function can affect table/collection row/set templates.

  • Signature: LFForm.enableFields(id (, id2, id3...))
  • Input:
    • id: An identification object or array of identification objects. You can specify multiple objects for this function.
  • Output:
    • A promise that resolves after fields are enabled or errors are returned.


  • LFForm.enableFields({fieldId: 10});
  • LFForm.enableFields([{fieldId: 3, index: 1}, {fieldId: 3, index: 3}]);
  • LFForm.enableFields({fieldId: 3, index: 1}, {fieldId: 3, index: 3});


Changes settings on the specified fields. This function can affect table/collection row/set templates.

  • Signature: LFForm.changeFieldSettings(id, settingChanges)
  • Input:
    • id: An identification object or array of identification objects. You can specify multiple objects for this function.
    • settingChanges: An object with the property to change as the key and the value to be assigned as the value.

      Currently supported properties (keys):

      • label: Change the field label. Accepts a string. Also supports table column labels and page names.
      • description (alias: textAbove): Change the field description. Accepts a string.
      • subtext (alias: textBelow): Change the field subtext. Accepts a string.
      • tooltip: Change the field tooltip. Accepts a string.
      • placeholder: Change the field placeholder. Accept a string.
      • autoCompleteValues: (Single Line fields only.) Change the auto complete dropdown options. Accepts an array of strings.
      • content (alias: default, HTMLContent): (Custom HTML fields only.) Change the content of custom HTML. Accepts a string.
      • CSSClasses (alias: cssClasses, classNames): Change the field CSS classes. Accepts a string or an array of strings. You can specify multiple CSS classes with a space-separated string.
      • buttonLabel (alias: signButtonLabel, uploadButtonLabel): (File Upload and Signature fields only.) Change the button label. Accepts a string
      • rowLabels (alias: addButtonLabel, addRowButtonLabel, addSetButtonLabel): (Table fields only.) Changes the row labels. If fixed row count, accepts an array of strings. If dynamic row count, Accepts a string.
      • addButtonLabel (alias: addRowButtonLabel, addSetButtonLabel): (Table and Collection fields only.) Changes the add row/set label. Accepts a string. Still supports {n} dynamic numbering
      • prevButton: (Page fields only.) Changes the previous button label. Accepts a string.
      • nextButton: (Page fields only.) Changes the next button label. Accepts a string.
      • addressOptions: (Address fields only.) Changes the address sub labels and its visibility. Accepts an array of objects in the format: {subField: "address1", label: "New Label", show: true}

        Note: subField expects a string with "address1", "address2", "city", "country", "province" and/or "zipcode" properties.

  • Output:
    • A promise that resolves after settings changes have been applied or errors are returned


  • LFForm.changeFieldSettings( {fieldId: 10}, {label: "New Label", description: "New Description", subtext: "New Subtext", tooltip: "New Tooltip", placeholder: "New Placeholder"} );
  • LFForm.changeFieldSettings( [{variableName: "Single_Line"}, {variableName: "Single_Line_1"}], {autoCompleteValues: ["one", "two", "three"]} );
  • LFForm.changeFieldSettings( {fieldId: 12}, {content: "<a src=''>Laserfiche</a>"} );
  • LFForm.changeFieldSettings({fieldId: 10}, {CSSClasses: "red solidBorder"});
  • LFForm.changeFieldSettings({fieldId: 10}, {CSSClasses: ["blue", "noBorder"]});
  • LFForm.changeFieldSettings( {fieldId: 10}, {buttonLabel: "Upload"} );
  • LFForm.changeFieldSettings( {fieldId: 10}, {rowLabels: ["First {n}", "Second {n}", "Third {n}"]} );
  • LFForm.changeFieldSettings( {fieldId: 10}, {rowLabels: "Row {n}"} );
  • LFForm.changeFieldSettings( {fieldId: 10}, {addButtonLabel: "+ Add Row"} );
  • LFForm.changeFieldSettings( {fieldId: 10}, {label: "First Page", prevButton: "Back", nextButton: "Forward"} );
  • LFForm.changeFieldSettings( {fieldId: 10}, {addressOptions: [{subField: "address1", label: "Address"}, {subField: "address2", show: false}, {subField: "city", label: "City"}, {subField: "province", label: "State"}, {subField: "zipcode", label: "Zip Code", show: true}, {subField: "country", show: false}]} );


Change Checkbox/Radio/Dropdown field options.

  • Signature: LFForm.changeFieldOptions(id, changes, mode)
  • Input:
    • id: An identification object or array of identification objects. You can specify multiple objects for this function.
    • changes: An array of object with options, or an array of strings, with the option to change as the key and the value to be assigned as the value.
      • Currently supported option properties (keys):
        • label: Option label. If not defined, use existing value. Accepts a string.
        • value: Option value. If not defined, use label. If value is “_other”, it is ignored. Accepts a string.
    • mode: String that defines how the option changes should be handled. Options are “add”, “remove”, and “replace”. Defaults to “replace.”
      • “add”: Appends new options to the field if it doesn’t already exist.
      • “remove”: Removes the specified options if they exist.
      • “replace”: Changes label, value, or reverses the checked state of existing options.
    • selected: Whether an option is checked (true) or not (false). Default is false. Accepts a Boolean.
  • Output:
    • A promise that resolves after the form settings changes have been applied or errors are returned.


  • LFForm.changeFieldOptions( { fieldId: 10 }, ["Choice 4", "Choice 4", "Choice 4"], "add" );
  • LFForm.changeFieldOptions( { fieldId: 10 }, [{label: "Choice 4", value: "Choice_4", selected: true}, {label: "Choice 5"}], "add" );
  • LFForm.changeFieldOptions( { fieldId: 10 }, [{label: "Choice 1"}], "remove" );
  • LFForm.changeFieldOptions( { fieldId: 10 }, [{label: "New Label", value: "Choice_1"}], "replace" );
  • LFForm.changeFieldOptions( { fieldId: 10, index: 1 }, [{label: "New Label", value: "Choice_1"}], "replace" );


Change the settings on the form.

  • Signature: LFForm.changeFormSettings(changes)
  • Input:
    • changes: An object with the property to change as the key and the value to change to as value.

      Currently supported properties (keys):

      • title: Change the form title. Accepts a string.
      • description: Change the form description. Accepts a string.
      • pagination: Change the page label and previous/next button labels. Accepts an array of objects in the following format { pageId: 1, label: "First Page", prevButton: "Back", nextButton: "Forward" }

  • Output:
    • A promise that resolves after the form settings changes have been applied or errors are returned.


  • LFForm.changeFormSettings({title: "New Form Title", description: "New Form Description"});
  • LFForm.changeFormSettings({pagination: [{pageId: 1, label: "First Page"}, {pageId: 2, label: "Second Page", prevButton: "Back", nextButton: "Forward"}]});


Change the label of a single action button. Buttons include the Submit, Approve, and Reject submission actions, the Save as Draft button, and user defined custom submission action buttons on forms used by message start events and user tasks.

  • Signature: LFForm.changeActionButton(button, changes)
  • Input:
    • button: A string that identifies the button by the Button CSS Class defined in the user task settings Form tab.

      Currently supported class names:

      • Submit
      • Approve
      • Reject
      • SaveAsDraft
      • User defined submission action button class names

    • changes: An object with attributes to change.

      Currently supported properties (keys):

      • label: Option label. Accepts a string.

  • Output:
    • A promise that resolves after the change to the action button has been applied or errors are returned.


  • LFForm.changeActionButton("Submit", {label: "New Submit"});


Change the label of a list of action buttons. Buttons include the Submit, Approve, and Reject submission actions, the Save as Draft button, and user defined custom submission action buttons on forms used by message start events and user tasks.

  • Signature: LFForm.changeActionButtons(changes)
  • Input:
    • changes: An array of objects with attributes to change.

      Currently supported keys:

      • action: A string that identifies the button by the Button CSS Class defined in the user task settings Form tab.

        Currently supported class names:

        • Submit
        • Approve
        • Reject
        • SaveAsDraft
        • User defined submission action button class names

      • label: Option label. Accepts a string.

  • Output:
    • A promise that resolves after the changes to action buttons have been applied or errors are returned.


  • LFForm.changeActionButtons([{action: "Submit", label: "New Submit"}, {action: "Approve", label: "New Approve"}]);

addRow, addSet

Adds new rows or sets to a table or collection.

  • Signature: LFForm.addRow(id, count); LFForm.addSet(id, count);
  • Input:
    • id: An identification object or array of identification objects. Only tables or collections can be targetted for these APIs.
    • count: The number of rows or sets to add.
  • Output:
    • A promise that resolves after the rows or sets have been added.


  • LFForm.addRow({variableName: "Expense_Table"}, 3);
  • LFForm.addSet({variableName: "Info_Collection"}, 2);

deleteRow, deleteSet

Deletes the specified rows or sets from a table or collection.

  • Signature: LFForm.deleteRow(id, index (, index2, index3...)); LFForm.deleteSet(id, index (, index2, index3...));
  • Input:
    • id: An identification object or array of identification objects. Only tables or collections can be targetted for these APIs.
    • index: The index of the row or set to remove. The index starts at 0. You can specify multiple indices.
  • Output:
    • A promise that resolves after the rows or sets have been deleted.


  • LFForm.deleteRow({variableName: "Expense_Table"}, 0); // Deletes the first row of Expense_Table.
  • LFForm.deleteSet({variableName: "Info_Collection"}, 0, 1, 2); // Deletes the first 3 sets of the Info_Collection.


Adds CSS classes to the specified fields. This function can affect table/collection row/set templates.

  • Signature: LFForm.addCSSClasses(id, CSSClasses)
  • Input:
    • id: An identification object or array of identification objects.
    • CSSClasses: The CSS classes to add. Can be a string or an array of strings. You can specify multiple CSS Classes with a space-separated string.
  • Output:
    • A promise that resolves after the CSSClasses have been added.


  • LFForm.addCSSClasses({fieldId: 1}, "red"); // adds class "red" to fields with fieldId 1.
  • LFForm.addCSSClasses([{fieldId: 1}, {fieldId: 2}], "red solidBorder"); // adds classes "red" and "solidBorder" to fields with fieldId 1 and 2.
  • LFForm.addCSSClasses([{fieldId: 1}, {fieldId: 2}], ["red", "solidBorder"]); // adds classes "red" and "solidBorder" to fields with fieldId 1 and 2.

Note: Adding CSS classes that were already on the field will not add duplicate classes.


Removes the specified CSS classes from the specified fields. This function can affect table/collection row/set templates.

  • Signature: LFForm.removeCSSClasses(id, CSSClasses)
  • Input:
    • id: An identification object or array of identification objects.
    • CSSClasses: The CSS classes to remove. Can be a string or an array of strings. You can specify multiple CSS Classes with a space-separated string.
  • Output:
    • A promise that resolves after CSSClasses have been removed.


  • LFForm.removeCSSClasses({fieldId: 1}, "red"); // removes class "red" from fields with fieldId 1.
  • LFForm.removeCSSClasses([{fieldId: 1}, {fieldId: 2}], "red solidBorder"); // removes classes "red" and "solidBorder" from fields with fieldId 1 and 2.
  • LFForm.removeCSSClasses([{fieldId: 1}, {fieldId: 2}], ["red", "solidBorder"]); // removes classes "red" and "solidBorder" from fields with fieldId 1 and 2.

Note: Attempting to remove CSS classes that were not on the field will be ignored.


Finds any fields that satisfy the specified arbitrary conditions.

  • Signature: LFForm.findFields(predicate)
  • Input:
    • predicate: A function that takes in the field State and should return true for fields you want to find, and false for fields you don't want to find.
  • Output:
    • An array of fields that satisfy the predicate.


  • LFForm.findFields(f => f.settings.label === "First Name"); // Finds all fields whose label is "First Name".
  • LFForm.findFields(f => f.settings.required); // Finds all required fields.


Finds fields with the specified CSS class.

  • Signature: LFForm.findFieldsByClassName(className)
  • Input:
    • className: The CSS class that is assigned to the fields you want to find.
  • Output:
    • An array of fields with the specified CSS class.




Finds the fields with the specified field ID.

  • Signature: LFForm.findFieldsByFieldId(fieldId)
  • Input:
    • fieldId: The field ID of the fields you want to find.
  • Output:
    • An array of fields with specified field ID.




Finds the fields with the specified variable name.

  • Signature: LFForm.findFieldsByVariableName(variableName)
  • Input:
    • variableName: The variable name of the fields you want to find.
  • Output:
    • An array of fields with the specified variable name.




Finds the fields with the specified variable ID.

  • Signature: LFForm.findFieldsByVariableId(variableId)
  • Input:
    • variableId: The variable ID of the fields you want to find.
  • Output:
    • An array of fields with the specified variable ID.




Subscribe to an event for a specific field.

  • Signature: LFForm.subscribe(eventName, handler, options)
  • Input:
    • eventName: The name of the event. Currently supports "formSubmission", "fieldChange", "fieldBlur", "lookupTrigger", and "lookupDone" events.
    • handler: The function to call when events are triggered.
    • options: An identification object to identify the field to subscribe to. You could also add "handlerName" in the object to more easily identify the handler.
  • Output: none


  • LFForm.subscribe("fieldChange", () => { console.log("change"); }, {variableName: "Single_Line"});
  • LFForm.subscribe("formSubmission", () => { console.log("submitting"); }, {handlerName: "printSubmission"})


Unsubscribe from events.

  • Signature: LFForm.unsubscribe(eventName, options)
  • Input:
    • eventName: The name of the event. Currently supports "formSubmission", "fieldChange", "fieldBlur", "lookupTrigger", and "lookupDone" events.
    • options: An identification object to identify the handler.
  • Output: none


  • LFForm.unsubscribe("fieldChange", {variableName: "Single_Line"});
  • LFForm.subscribe("formSubmission", {handlerName: "printSubmission"});


Subscribe to the formSubmission event.

  • Signature: LFForm.onFormSubmission(handler, options)
  • Input:
    • handler: The function to call when a submission is triggered. To block a submission, return an object with an error property describing the error message. This function can optionally return a promise that resolves with the error object. The promise will be awaited before submission automatically.
      • The handler takes in an event argument that contains the user’s intended submission action in the data.action property.
    • options: Optional. Can be used to specify the handler name. For example, {handlerName: "submissionHandler1"}
  • Output: none


  • LFForm.onFormSubmission(function () {
     if (LFForm.getFieldValues({fieldId: 3}) === "ERROR") {
      return {error: "Please fix the error before submitting."};
  • LFForm.onFormSubmission(async function (event) {
     // Get the value of the clicked submission button
     const userAction =;
     const approvalComments = LFForm.getFieldValues({ fieldId: 2});
     if (userAction === "Reject" && approvalComments === "") {
      await LFForm.showFields({ fieldId: 2 });
      return {error: "Please add comments in order to approve."};
     } else {
      await LFForm.hideFields({ fieldId: 2 });

Note: If the handler returns an object with an "error" property (for example {error: "There is something wrong on the form. Cannot submit."}), the submission is stopped and the error will be displayed as a popup message on the page.


Subscribe to the change event for the specified fields.

  • Signature: LFForm.onFieldChange(handler, options)
  • Input:
    • handler: The function to call when a specific field changes.
    • options: An object that identifies the field to subscribe to and to specify the handlerName if needed.
  • Output: none


LFForm.onFieldChange(() => console.log("change"), {variableName: "Single_Line"});


Subscribe to the blur event for the specified fields.

  • Signature: LFForm.onFieldBlur(handler, options);
  • Input:
    • handler: The function to call when a specific field blurs.
    • options: An object that identifies the field to subscribe to and to specify the handlerName if needed.
  • Output: none


LFForm.onFieldBlur(() => console.log("blur"), {variableName: "Single_Line"});


Subscribe to a lookup trigger event.

  • Signature: LFForm.onLookupTrigger(handler, options)
  • Input:
    • handler: The function to call when a lookup is triggered.
    • options: An object that identifies which lookup rule this handler would be called for and to specify the handlerName if needed.
  • Output: none


LFForm.onLookupTrigger(function () {
	if (LFForm.getFieldValues({variableName: "TriggerField"}) === "NoCall") {
		return {cancelLookup: true};
	}, {lookupRuleId: 3}); // When lookup rule 3 is triggered, 
		// if field with variable name "TriggerField" has value of "NoCall", 
		// cancel the lookup call.

Note: if the handler returns an object with the "cancelLookup" property set to true, the lookup call will be canceled.


Subscribe to the lookup done event.

  • Signature: LFForm.onLookupDone(handler, options)
  • Input:
    • handler: The function to call when a lookup is triggered.
    • options: An object that identifies which rule this handler would be called for and to specify the handlerName if needed.
  • Output: none


LFForm.onLookupDone(function () {
	if (LFForm.getFieldValues({variableName: "Lookup_Target"}) === "Hello") {
		LFForm.setFieldValues({variableName: "Lookup_Target_AutoComplete"}, "World!");
	}, {lookupRuleId: 2}); // after lookup rule 2 is done, check for Lookup_Target value. 
	// If it is "Hello", set the Lookup_Target_AutoComplete to "World!"