Number Fields

Number fields are a specialized field type in Laserfiche Forms that only accepts numbers. Additionally, you can easily specify a default range of accepted values.


Editing a Number Field in the Form Designer

  1. Select the field on the canvas, and the options will appear in the right pane.
  2. Under Field label, enter the field label that will appear next to the field on the form. Variables may be used to build a custom field name.
  3. Under Variable, specify a name for the field variable associated with this field. If you do not specify a variable name, Forms will automatically assign the field one based on its label.
  4. Using the Text above field and Text below field, you can enter any additional text that should appear with the field. Click the Insert variable button to include a variable with this text.
  5. .Specify additional details about the field in Display Options.
    • Select Required to ensure the user completes the field. If a required field is hidden with a field rule, it is no longer required.
    • Select Read-only to ensure the user can view but cannot modify the field.
    • Select the Accept barcode scan option to allow Laserfiche App devices to scan barcodes with the camera and automatically insert the value into the field.
  6. Under Default value, enter the value that will appear in the field by default. If this option is blank, the field will appear empty by default.
  7. To configure advanced options, click the Advanced tab.
    • Under Calculation, specify a formula that will populate the contents of this field. Learn more
    • Under Range Limiting, select Enable range limiting to specify the minimum and maximum accepted values.
    • Under Decimals enter the number of decimal places shown on the form. 0 (zero) is the default.
    • Under Display, select the checkbox to separate every three digits with a comma, as in "1,000" and "1,000,000".
    • Under Tooltip, specify the help text that will appear when users hover over the field.
    • Under CSS classes, specify one or more CSS classes to assign this field. Learn more about using CSS.
  8. Select the Rules tab to create field rules specific to this field. Learn more about using rules.
  9. Your field changes will be aplied to the form automatically.

Note: The labels, tooltip, text above, and text below settings in the form designer support the use of simple HTML markup for formatting purposes.

Editing a Number Field in the Classic Form Designer

  1. Select the field on the canvas and click Edit.
  2. Under Field label, enter the field label that will appear next to the field on the form.
  3. Under Variable, specify a name for the field variable associated with this field. If you do not specify a variable name, Forms will automatically assign the field one based on its label.
  4. Using the Text above field and Text below field, you can enter any additional text that should appear with the field. Click the Insert variable button to include a variable with this text.
  5. Specify additional details about the field in Field options.
    • Select Required to ensure the user completes the field. If a required field is hidden with a field rule, it is no longer required.
    • Select Read-only to ensure the user can view but cannot modify the field.
    • Select the Accept barcode scan option to allow Laserfiche App devices to scan barcodes with the camera and automatically insert the value into the field.
  6. Select whether the field should be small, medium, large, or x-large in width in Field width.
  7. Under Range allowed, specify the minimum and maximum accepted values.
  8. Type the number of decimal places shown on the form in Decimals. 0 is the default.
  9. Under Number display, select the checkbox to separate every three digits with a comma, as in "1,000" and "1,000,000".
  10. Under Default value, enter the value that will appear in the field by default. If this option is blank, the field will appear empty by default.
  11. To configure advanced options, click the Advanced tab.
    • Under Calculation, specify a formula that will populate the contents of this field. Learn more
    • Under Tooltip, specify the help text that will appear when users hover over the field.
    • Under CSS class, specify a CSS class to assign this field. Learn more about using CSS.
  12. When you are finished editing the field settings, click Done. Your changes will be applied to the form automatically.