Volume Access Rights
The following is a list of available volume access rights.
- Read: The ability to view the data stored in the volume for all documents associated with the volume, as well as the ability to copy pages from a document.
- Add Files: The ability to append new pages to a document in the volume, copy pages from another document into a document in the volume, or import a document into the volume. Does not allow a user to delete existing pages or modify the text assigned to pages.
- Modify/Delete Files: The ability to delete pages, edit text pages, move pages to a document on another volume, or migrate documents out of the volume. It also allows you to make changes to the electronic file portion of an electronic document, or to modify or delete an attachment annotation on a document in the volume. Automatically grants the Add Files right.
- Create Documents: The ability to create a blank document. All documents (regardless of whether they are empty or not) must be assigned a volume. This access right does not allow a user to write data to disk. Therefore, this right could allow a user to create a document with empty pages, but not allow him or her to add text or images to those pages. This right is required for importing files and document migration, along with the Add Files right.
- Delete Volume: The ability to delete the volume from the repository.
- Read Volume Security: The ability to view the volume access rights for the volume.
- Change Volume Security: The ability to modify the volume access rights for the volume. Implicitly grants the Read Volume Security right.