Search Filters

Search filters allow you to create detailed searches that will locate entries based on the specific search filters.

When performing a search using a search filter, you can select exactly which criteria you want to search on. If you search on multiple criteria, documents will only be returned if they meet all the criteria.

Performing a Search Using Search Filters

To perform a search using search filters, click Search Filters next to the search bar at the top of the Folder Browser. The Search Filters pane will appear. The most common search filters will be listed by default, and you can click Add Filter to select additional searches. To add a Records Management search filter, click on Add Filter and then select the Records Management search filter you want to add. Fill in the search terms you want to search on and click Search, or click Reset to clear the search filters dialog box.

Tip: If you want to see the search syntax of the search you are performing, you can select the More Actions button and then select View Search Syntax. This is a useful way to learn how to create a search syntax search. You can also copy the syntax from this box and paste it into the Search syntax search option, and then fine-tune it without having to write the syntax from scratch.

Search Filter Types

The following search filters are available in the Search Filters pane. (See Records Management search filters, below, for information about Records Management searches.)


The Annotation search filter allows you to search for documents that contain a particular search term in the Stamp name, Callout text, Sticky note text, Text box text, or in the Comment of any annotation type.


The Date search filter allows you to search for documents or folders created and/or modified on a particular day or in a particular date range. You can search for documents Last modified, Created, or Created or last modified in any of the following time frames: On a particular date, Before or After a particular date, or Between two dates. You can also select In the past and specify a number of days, weeks, months, or years. This search filter is usually used in conjunction with other searches, to limit the number of results.


The Template search filter allows you to search based on a template and/or field values. There are three ways to use the Template search filter: you can specify a template and search for all documents or folders with that template, you can specify a template and provide field values and search for all documents or folders with that template and with those field values, or you can specify one or more fields without specifying a template and search for documents or folders that contain the provided field values, regardless of template.

To search for all documents with a particular template, open the Choose template drop-down menu and select a template. Documents with that template will be returned, regardless of their field values.

To search for documents with a particular template and a particular field value or values, open the Choose template drop-down menu and select a template, then fill in search terms in one or more field in that template. Documents with that template and those particular field values will be returned.

To search for documents with a particular field and field values, click Choose Fields and select one or more fields, then fill in search terms in the field or fields. Documents with those field values will be returned, regardless of their template.


The Keywords search filter collects several keyword searches into a single search. Type your search terms into the Keywords search option, and select one or more of the following searches: Document text (including OCRed text, text generated from documents, and text transcribed from media files), All fields, Entry names, and/ or Annotation text.


The Link search filter allows you to search for documents or folders that are linked to another document or folder using a particular document relationship. Select whether to find documents and folders that use Any or All of the specified relationship types, and click Choose Relationship to select one or more relationships to search on.


The Location search filter allows you to search for documents and folders with a location within a specific radius of a map point, and/or by location description. You can specify the Distance from map location in miles, kilometers, or meters. To specify a map location, type the address in the address box. Once you have placed a location, you can modify it by selecting and dragging the red location marker to a new position. You can also search for locations with a specific description in the Location Description option.


The Name search filter allows you to search for documents or folders with a particular Entry name or Entry ID. (An entry ID is the unique identifier for a particular document, folder or shortcut. It can be found by selecting the Details pane in either the Document Viewer or Folder Browser. Click Show advanced to display the entry ID.)


The Pages search filter allows you to search based on whether a document has text pages, what its total size is, and/or what file extensions are associated with the electronic file in the document (if there is one).

To search for documents based on whether they have text, in the Contains text on option, choose All pages, Some pages, or No pages.

To search for documents based on their size, in the Has total size option, choose More than, Less than, or Between, and then specify a size.

Search Syntax

The Search syntax search filter allows you to combine searches in more powerful ways than you can using search filters. You can view the search syntax for any search you perform by clicking Show search syntax, or you can manually construct a search syntax search by selecting the Search syntax search filter. For more information, see Search Syntax.


The Tag search filter allows you to search based on what tags have been applied to the document or folder, or based on the tag comments provided when the tag was applied. You can choose to find entries With one or more, With all, or Without specified tags. Click Choose tags and select one or more tags to search for.


The Text search filter allows you to search based on the text of a document. Text search can only retrieve documents that have text associated with them, whether via OCR, text generation, or transcription of audio and video files. When searching for the text of a transcribed audio or video file, selecting a context hit from search results will take you directly to the relevant portion of the media file. If a document contains only images or an electronic file that does not include text, it cannot be located using text search.

To perform a text search, type the search terms in the text box and then select one of the following options. Terms search allows you to search for a single word or phrase. To search for an exact phrase, enclose the search terms in quotes. And search allows you to search for all documents that contain two specified words or phrases. Or search allows you to search for all documents that contain at least one of two specified words or phrases. Not search allows you to search for all documents that contain the first specified word or phrase, but not the second one. Within search allows you to search for all documents that contain both specified words or phrases within a particular number of words of each other.


The Type search filter allows you to search based on the entry's type. You can search for Documents, Folders, Shortcuts, or any combination. This search filter is usually used in conjunction with other searches, to limit the number of results.

To search for documents based on their file extension, click Select file extensions and select one or more file extensions you wish to include


The User search filter allows you to search for entries created by, checked out by, or last modified a particular user. Type the user name in the search box, then select Created by, Checked out by, and/or Last modified by. (If you select more than one of these options, you will return all documents that meet any of those criteria.)


The Version search filter allows you to search for documents under version control that contain versions created by a particular user, created during a particular timeframe, and with specific version comments. To search by user, in the Created by option, type the name of the user who created the version you want to locate. To search by date, in the Create option, select a timeframe: On a particular date, Before or After a particular date, or Between two dates. You can also select In the past and specify a number of days, weeks, months, or years. To search by version comments, in the Version comments option, type the comments you want to search for. If you configure more than one of these options, documents will be returned only if they meet all criteria.

Within folder

The Within folder search allows you to search for documents or folders in a particular folder. You can choose to search the entire repository, the currently-open folder, or within a selected folder. If you choose Search within selected folder, you can specify whether you want to return documents Within or Not in the folder, and you can type or browse to a particular folder path. You can also choose whether or not to Include subfolders in the search. To search in more than one folder, click the Add button. This search filter is usually used in conjunction with other searches, to limit the number of results.

Records Management search filters

If you are using the Records Management features of Laserfiche, you can search for records based on their life cycle status and record properties. The following Records Management search filters are available.

Free Training: Searching and Reporting in records Management eLearning course in Aspire.


The Cutoff search filter allows you to search for records based on their cutoff status, date, or type. To search by cutoff status or date, in the Date option, select a time frame: Already cutoff, Eligible for cutoff before a particular date, or Eligible for cutoff after a particular date. To search by event, in the Event option, select Assigned to search for all records that have a particular event in their cutoff instructions (whether or not the event date has been set), or Set to search for all records that have a particular event both assigned and set, then click Choose events to select the specific event or events to search for. To search by cutoff instruction type, select the relevant types in the Cutoff instruction type option. Click Choose instructions to search for specific cutoff instructions to search for. If you configure more than one of these options, records will be returned only if they meet all criteria.


The Disposition search filter allows you to search for records based on their disposition type or status, retention schedule, or current location. To search by disposition type, select the type or types in the Disposition type option. To search based on disposition status, select Find records that are and then select either Currently eligible for disposition or select Eligible from and then provide a date range. Click Choose schedules to search for records with a particular retention schedule, and click Choose location to search for records that are currently in a particular location. If you configure more than one of these options, records will be returned only if they meet all criteria.


The Holds search filter allows you to search for entries based on whether or not they are subject to one or more holds. You can search for all entries with holds using the Any holds option, or entries with no holds using the No holds option. You can also select the Specific holds option and then search by hold reason and/or by due date to quickly locate holds related to a specific action, or holds that are due for review.

Record name

The Record name search filter allows you to search for records by name, and to filter by record type. Provide the name to search for, and then select one or more of Record, Record folder, and Record series.

Record series properties

The Record series properties search filter allows you to search for records based on the settings configured for their record series. You can search for a Record series code or a Record series description. In the Disposition authority option, you can search for records with No disposition authority assigned, or you can select Disposition authority assigned and specify a disposition authority. In the Permanent record option, you can Find permanent records or Find non-permanent records.

Vital record

The Vital record search filter allows you to search for records based on whether they are designated as vital records; if they are vital records, you can also search by review date and cycle. To search for records that are not designated as vital, select Find non-vital records. To search for vital records, select Find vital records. You can then specify that you want to find Any vital records, vital records that Have been reviewed between certain dates, or vital records that Need to be reviewed between certain dates. You can also search for documents with a particular review cycle in the With the following review cycle option.