DocuSign Tokens

You can use tokens in the configuration page for the integration with DocuSign to dynamically populate Laserfiche fields or construct a dynamic folder location. In addition to the standard Laserfiche tokens, the integration also supports DocuSign tokens. See the following tables for a list of the supported DocuSign tokens.

DocuSign Envelope Status Tokens

DocuSign Envelope Status Tokens
Token Type Description
%(ACHolder) String User name of the authoritative copy holder.
%(ACHolderEmail) String Email address of the authoritative copy holder.
%(ACHolderLocation) String Location of the authoritative copy holder.
%(ACStatus) String Authoritative copy status: DepositPending, Deposited, DepositedEO, or DepositFailed
%(ACStatusDate) DateTime Creation date of the authoritative copy.
%(AuthoritativeCopy) Boolean Specifies whether the authoritative copy is created.
%(Completed) DateTime When the envelope was competed.
%(Declined) DateTime When the envelope was declined by a recipient.
%(DeclinedbyUserName) String User name of the recipient that declined the envelope.
%(DeclinedByEmail) String Email address of the recipient that declined the envelope.
%(DeclinedByReason) String Reason why the recipient declined the envelope.
%(Deleted) DateTime When the envelope was deleted.
%(Delivered) String When an envelope was last viewed by a signer.
%(Email) String Email address of the person who created the envelope.
%(EnvelopeID) String Envelope ID.
%(EnvelopeIdStamping) Boolean Specifies whether the envelope stamping feature is enabled.
%(EnvelopePDFHash) String Hash value of the document.
%(SenderIPAddress) String IP address of the user who sent the envelope.
%(Sent) DateTime When the envelope was sent.
%(Signed) DateTime When the document was last signed.
%(SigningLocation) DocuSignAPI.SigningLocationCode Location of the signer .
%(Status) DocuSignAPI.EnvelopeStatusCode Status of the envelope.
%(Subject) String Envelope subject.
%(TimedOut) DateTime When the envelope timed out.
%(TimeGenerated) DateTime Creation time of the envelope.
%(UserName) String User name of the envelope creator.

DocuSign Recipient Status Tokens

The 0 in each recipient status token name represents the index of each recipient. 0 represents the first recipient in the envelope. You can replace the integer with All to get data for all recipients (e.g., RecipientStatuses.All.UserName). If the DocuSign token contains multiple values, prior values will be overwritten.

DocuSign Recipient Status Tokens
Token Type Description
%(RecipientStatuses.0.AccountStatus) String Status of the recipient's account.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.ClientUserId) String Specifies if the recipient is a captive recipient.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.Declined) DateTime When the envelope was declined.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.DeclineReason) String Reason why the recipient declined the envelope.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.Delivered) DateTime When the envelope was seen by the recipient.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.DeliveryMethod) DocuSignAPI.DeliveryMethod Specifies whether the envelope was delivered by email or fax.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.Email) String Email address of the recipient.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.EsignAgreementInformation) DocuSignAPI.RecipientStatusEsignAgreementInformation Agreement information of the recipient.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.FaxNumber) String Fax number of the recipient.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.IDCheckInformation) DocuSignAPI.IDCheckInInformation Personal information about the recipient.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.RecipientId) String DocuSign recipient ID for the recipient.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.RecipientIPAddress) String IP address of the recipient's most recent access of the envelope.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.RoutingOrder) Unsigned Short Routing order of the recipient in the envelope.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.Sent) DateTime When the envelope was sent.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.Signed) DateTime When the envelope was signed.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.Status) DocuSignAPI.RecipientStatusCode Status of the recipient.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.TabStatuses.CustomTabLabel.Value) String Value the recipient specified in the custom field. (Note that this custom field is distinct from an envelope custom field, below.)
%(RecipientStatuses.0.Type) DocuSignAPI.RecipientTypeCode Role of the recipient.
%(RecipientStatuses.0.UserName) String User name of the recipient.

Envelope Custom Field Tokens

The integration also supports retrieving the values of any envelope custom fields that you have configured for your DocuSign account. Note that this is distinct from a recipient status custom field, above.

DocuSign Envelope Custom Field Tokens
Token Type Description
%(CustomFields.YourCustomFieldName) String Corresponds to the name of an envelope custom field.
%(CustomFields.TemplateName) String Corresponds to a DocuSign template name.

Document Status Tokens

If you chose to send a Laserfiche document to DocuSign, the following tokens contain information about the documents in the envelope.

DocuSign Document Status Tokens
Token Type Description
%(DocumentStatuses.0.ID) String ID of the document.
%(DocumentStatuses.0.Name) String Name of the document as specified in the DocuSign template.
%(DocumentStatuses.0.Sequence) String Order of the document in the envelope.