Laserfiche Email Archive

Laserfiche Email Archive allows you to automatically archive emails to a Laserfiche repository. Emails can be archived to multiple locations based on various conditions. Additionally, Laserfiche Email Archive can assign metadata to the messages and save email attachments.

Example: An organization needs to keep all incoming client messages. Client messages are all routed to a shared mailbox on their mail server and from there Laserfiche Email Archive sends them to a Laserfiche repository without requiring any action on the user's part. Based on the conditions set in the Laserfiche Email Archive profiles, the emails are saved to a Correspondences folder inside each client's folder. Additionally, metadata is applied each message, allowing them to be easily searched in the future.

How Does Laserfiche Email Archive Work?

Laserfiche Email Archive profiles use IMAP to periodically poll a monitored email folder for emails to send messages to Laserfiche. Your email server's settings can be used to determine which emails are moved to the monitored folder. Emails from that folder are then saved as EML electronic documents in a Laserfiche repository based on an import profile.

Setting up a Mail Folder for Laserfiche Email Archive to Monitor

When setting up Laserfiche Email Archive, you'll want a mailbox dedicated specifically to emails that will be archived to Laserfiche. This mailbox can be a shared mailbox or a single-account mailbox but should not be associated with a particular user. Most organizations prefer to create a shared mailbox for Laserfiche Email Archive to monitor. With a shared mailbox, multiple users can work with emails in the mailbox, and emails will be archived to Laserfiche as well.

Microsoft documentation on how to create a shared mailbox.

Routing Messages to the Monitored Folder

Once you've designated a mailbox for Laserfiche Email Archive to monitor, you'll want to create server-side rules on your mail server to specify which emails will be routed to that mailbox. For example, you may want to automatically BCC certain outgoing emails to the mailbox so that they are automatically archived to Laserfiche.

Incoming mail

There are a couple tools to ensure incoming mail is routed to the folder Laserfiche Email Archive is monitoring.

Create main rules

Create rules on your mail server to route messages to the folder Laserfiche Email Archive is monitoring.

For example, you can use server-side Outlook rules to ensure messages are routed before they land in the inbox. If the emails you want to archive to Laserfiche may be sent to a variety of different addresses, create rules to automatically forward those emails to the monitored mailbox. Learn more about server-side Outlook rules.

When rules aren't needed

If all the mail you want to archive to Laserfiche is always sent to the same mailbox, then you do not need to set up rules to handle mail sent to other mailboxes.

Example: You created a mailbox with the address Any correspondence with the Human Resources department is sent to this address. Email archive monitors this mailbox and archives emails to Laserfiche accordingly. Since employees only ever send Human Resources-related messages to this address, there's no need to create rules to forward email sent to other addresses to this mailbox.

Outgoing mail rules

If you want specific outgoing emails to be archived to Laserfiche, you can use client-side mail rules to automatically CC specific messages to the mailbox Laserfiche Email Archive is polling.

Configuring an Laserfiche Email Archive Profile

Once all relevant mail is being routed to the correct folder, create an Laserfiche Email Archive profile to monitor the folder. Profiles ensure different types of messages are saved to different locations in Laserfiche and given different metadata.

Additionally, after mail is archived to Laserfiche, you can create a workflow that will route and organize messages in the correct folders.

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