Import Agent and Email Archive Tokens

A token is a placeholder value that is automatically replaced with actual values when a document is imported.

Tokens in Import Agent and Email Archive
Name in Import Agent Name in Email Archive Symbol Description
File Name N/A %(FileName) The original file name of the imported file.
File Path N/A %(FilePath) The full Windows path to the imported file. The notation for the path (i.e., full path or UNC) will match the notation used to specify the monitored directory.
Extension N/A %(Extension) The file name extension for the imported file (e.g., tif, txt, doc, etc.).
File Creation Date N/A %(FileCreated) The date the imported file was created.
File Modification Date N/A %(FileModified) The date the imported file was last modified.
Monitored Folder N/A %(MonitoredDirectory) The path to the monitored directory. The notation for the path (i.e., full path or UNC) will match the notation used to specify the monitored directory.
Subfolder N/A %(Subfolder) The relative path to the imported file (relative to the monitored directory). If the file was retrieved from the monitored directory, this token will be replaced by a blank value.
not shown in the token picker N/A %(DocumentAuthor) The author associated with the document as configured in the document's properties.
not shown in the token picker N/A %(DocumentComment) Any comment left in the document's comment field as configured in the document's properties.
not shown in the token picker N/A %(DocumentCopyright) Any copyright associated with the document.
not shown in the token picker N/A %(DocumentTags) Any tags applied to the document. Note that these are document tags and not Laserfiche tags.
not shown in the token picker N/A %(DocumentSubject) The document's subject as configured in the document's properties.
not shown in the token picker N/A %(DocumentTitle) The document's title as configured in the document's properties.
not shown in the token picker N/A %(DocumentType) The document's type as configured in the document's properties.
Artist N/A %(Artist) The artist associated with the image.
Bit Depth N/A %(BitDepth) The number of bits used to define each pixel. Higher bit depths, encode more colors.
Dimensions N/A %(Dimensions) The dimensions of the image in pixels.
Width N/A %(Width) The width of the image in pixels.
Height N/A %(Height) The height of the image in pixels.
Camera Manufacturer N/A %(EquipmentMaker) The manufacturer of the camera that took the image.
Camera Model N/A %(EquipmentModel) The model of the camera that took the image.
Image GPS N/A %(ImageGps) The GPS coordinates where the image was taken.

Original Image Size



The original size of the image.
Image Size N/A %(ImageSize) The image size when the image is imported into Laserfiche.

Original Image Type



The original type of the image.
Image Type N/A


The image type when the image is imported into Laserfiche.
Date Taken N/A %(DateTaken) The date the image was token.
Date Date %(Date) The system date on which the file was imported.
Time Time %(Time) The system time when the file was imported.
Date/Time DateTime %(DateTime) The system date and time when the file was imported.
Session Count* N/A %(Count) A per user/session token that starts at 1 by default. This token can be configured in the Import Agent Configuration Utility by selecting Options under Profile in the menu bar.
Profile Count N/A %(ProfileCount) A sequential number that starts at 1 by default. Each profile has a unique Profile Count token which can be configured inside the profile's Properties tab.
Repository Count Repository Count %(GCount) Repository-wide, globally incrementing token that starts at 1 by default.
User Name Username %(UserName)
The name of the user through which files were imported.
Entry Name Name %(Name) The name of the document in Laserfiche.
Parent Name Parent Name %(ParentName) The name of the parent folder in Laserfiche.
Entry ID ID %(ID) The document's entry ID number.
Parent ID Parent ID %(ParentID) The entry ID assigned to the parent folder.
Parent Field Parent Field %(Parent:FieldName) The value of a field assigned to the parent folder. Replace FieldName with the name of a field.
N/A Attachment Name %(EmailAttachmentName) The original name of the attachment to the email. This token is only available in the Attachment Name field under Attachment Handling.
Sender Sender %(EmailSender) The name of the user who sent the imported email.
Sender Email Sender Address %(EmailSenderAddr) The email address of the user who sent the imported email.
Recipients Recipients %(EmailRecipients) The names of the users who received the imported email.
Recipient Emails Recipient Addresses %(EmailRecipientAddrs) The email addresses of the users who received the imported email.
CCs CCs %(EmailCCs) The names of the users who were CCed on the imported email.
CC Emails CC Addresses %(EmailCCAddrs) The email addresses of the users who were CCed on the imported email.
BCCs BCCs %(EmailBCCs) The names of the users who were BCCed on the imported email.
BCC Emails BCC Addresses %(EmailBCCAddrs) The email addresses of the users who were BCCed on the imported email.
Subject Subject %(EmailSubject) The subject of the imported email.
Time Sent Sent Time %(EmailSentTime) The time the imported email was sent.
Time Received Received Time %(EmailReceivedTime) The time the imported email was received.
Priority Priority %(EmailPriority) for text fields and %(EmailPriorityInt) for number, integer, and long integer fields The priority applied to the imported email. If the token is in a text field, the token will be replaced by a word describing the priority (e.g., High, Normal, or Low). If the token is in a number, integer, or long integer field, the token will be replaced by a number corresponding to the priority (e.g., High = 1, Normal = 3, and Low = 5.)
Conversation ID Conversation ID %(EmailConversationID) The ID of the conversation the imported email was part of.
Unique Message ID Unique Message ID %(EmailUniqueMessageID) The unique message ID of the email being imported.

Tip: Click Display parsed token in the token menu to see the value of tokens that can be resolved immediately. For example, if you select Display parsed token and insert the Date token, the current date will be inserted into the text box instead of the token syntax %(Date).

Note: To format date, time, or number tokens, use ICU formatting for dates and times or ICU formatting for numbers. To apply a token format, append the format to the token:
For example, to configure a date token to use the MM/dd/yyyy format, configure the date token to be: %(Date,MM/dd/yyyy)

*Notes about the Session Count token: